Search Results for: cala di mitigliano

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Cala di Mitigliano

Cala di Mitigliano

Cala di Mitigliano is the right place to go if you want to enjoy a relaxing moment on the beach in a breathtaking landscape.


You can reach Cala di Mitigliano on foot or by car from the village of Termini. From the little square, piazza Santa Croce, take Via Campanella; after about 200 meters there is a fork in the road: the road to the right leads to Monte San Costanzo, the left one to Punta Campanella and, before, to Cala di Mitigliano. After few meters, take the steep footpath that branches off to the left; walking on this path you will admire the Church of Santa Maria di Mitigliano, built on the rests of an old abbey. After about 30 minutes you will reach the beach of Cala di Mitigliano.

If you prefer to go by car, follow the street Via Campanella and turn to the right at the second branch: this is a private street ending in a small parking, between olive trees and Mediterranean maquis. From this point, there is only a short walk until the beach.

Cala di Mitigliano is a cave enclosed by high perpendicular rocks. The most impressive thing of this place is the clear water and the fantastic landscape, with a viewpoint on Capri and Punta Campanella. The beach of Mitigliano is a pebble beach, here you can find different sized stones and rocks. On the right side of the beach, there is an ancient circular building, similar to a tower. In the past this building was used for the production of lime, it now seems to be there to remind the time when the cave was active.

Along the coast you will see a circular grotto with a diameter of 5/6 meters, on a seabed of about 15 meters. The grotto is a paradise for snorkeling lovers, but is possible to enter it only if the sea is quite and the tide is low.

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The hidden beaches of Massa Lubrense

Category:Outdoors,Places,Travel Tags : 

The Sorrento coast with its beautiful beaches and crystal clear seas is one of the most popular destinations for tourists in Italy. Some of these beaches, however, especially in the territory of Massa Lubrense, remain a jewel admired by few. These are isolated, poorly accessible or difficult to reach beaches that are able to give a dream experience. Let’s discover three of these secret and pristine beaches.

Fiordo di Crapolla

the hidden beaches of Massa Lubrense

Crapolla can be reached on foot from the hamlet of Torca, through a fascinating but challenging path where 700 stone steps lead to the beach. Every 50 steps there is a ceramic tile indicating the progressive numbering.

Along the path that leads to the inlet there is the small Chapel of Saint Peter, open to all visits, where every 29 June the faithful go on pilgrimage from Torca to celebrate Holy Mass. According to tradition, Saint Peter landed in Crapolla on his journey to Rome to Christianize the Sorrento Peninsula.

The small pebble beach is located in a narrow cove and is protected by a high cliff that keeps it in the shade for most of the day.

Baia di Ieranto

The Bay of Ieranto is located at the end of the Sorrento peninsula, just in front of the faraglioni of Capri. To reach it you start from Nerano, an ancient fishing village. The path is well signposted and starts near the village square. Its final part of the path consists of the “miners’ staircase”, used to reach the small beach overlooking Capri.

The route is quite tiring but the breathtaking view and the tranquility of the landscape, located in the middle of a protected area, repay the effort. During the hours of the day the beach is exposed to the sun without any shelter, so it is advisable to leave equipped. It is ideal for those who love to venture out and enjoy a day at sea, diving into one of the cleanest waters of the peninsula.

Cala di Mitigliano

Another of the hidden beaches of Massa Lubrense is the Cala di Mitigliano , a place of peace and calm characterized by its crystal clear waters. The beach, mainly in rock, is enclosed by high cliffs overlooking the sea. The path branches off from the one to Punta Campanella. It is a bit uncomfortable but not so strenuous, if faced with the right equipment.

The beach is sunny and the sound of waves hurling against the rock makes the atmosphere pleasant and relaxing.

Not only the beach but also the incredible view of the island of Capri are one of the reasons why everyone should visit the fantastic Cala di Mitigliano whose sea, when it is calm, gives the opportunity to snorkel and admire its underwater beauty. The landscape in which the cove is located and its path that runs through plants and shrubs typical of the Mediterranean maquis makes it one of the most beautiful beaches in the territory of Massa Lubrense together with the Bay of Ieranto.

Protected area of Punta Campanella

Among the municipalities to which the blue flag has been reconfirmed, the recognition of the FEE for 2022, there is Massa Lubrense, who got it for 15 consecutive years (2008-2022). This recognition is largely due to the hidden beaches of Massa Lubrense and the quality of their bathing waters. More generally, there is also talk of compliance with the criteria relating to sustainable land management, coastal belt maintenance and service efficiency.

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Torre Punta Campanella Tower

The most instagrammable places in Massa Lubrense

Category:Blog,Places,Travel Tags : 

di Miriam Russo

Il territorio di Massa Lubrense è caratterizzato da località uniche e imperdibili. La varietà di queste ultime, infatti, lo rendono originale e unico nel suo genere. In questo articolo, proponiamo per voi solo alcuni dei luoghi più instagrammabili a Massa Lubrense a cui non poter assolutamente rinunciare.

“Cuore” di Baia di Ieranto

Il primo dei nostri luoghi più instagrammabili a Massa Lubrense è il “cuore” di Baia di Ieranto. Un posto che sembra avvolto nella magia e nella leggenda, di fatti secondo la storia sarebbe la zona in cui Ulisse, di ritorno verso Itaca, incontrò le Sirene. In questo posto incantato godrete delle acque cristalline e delle magnifiche spiagge che il territorio offre.

Faro di Punta Campanella

Situato nell’area marina protetta del promontorio di Punta Campanella, il faro crea senza dubbio uno scenario suggestivo e fatato. Un’atmosfera di fascinazione e mistero si profilerà davanti ai vostri occhi lasciandovi senza fiato. Imperdibile soprattutto di notte, quando il faro sembra illuminarsi insieme alle stelle.

Fiordo di Crapolla

Altro sorprendente luogo instagrammabile è il Fiordo di Crapolla. Si tratta di una delle insenature più particolari di Massa Lubrense e, oltre ad essere di grande interesse per il turismo balneare, è ricco di storia. La zona è facilmente raggiungibile anche a piedi partendo da Torca, permettendovi, così, di approfittare anche dei magnifici percorsi di trekking offerti dal posto.

Monte San Costanzo

È un monte a due cime, il più alto di Massa Lubrense, da cui è possibile avere una visuale a 360 gradi sul Golfo di Napoli e Salerno, fino alle isole di Ischia e Procida. Inoltre, sulla cima sinistra del monte, troverete anche la caratteristica chiesa bianca dedicata all’omonimo santo. Un luogo suggestivo da più punti di vista a cui consigliamo di non rinunciare.

Cala di Mitigliano

Ultimo e magico luogo instagrammabile di Massa Lubrense è la Cala di Mitigliano, un posto ideale per godere del mare cristallino e di un sensazionale panorama. La Cala di Mitigliano è, infatti, una baia che dà sull’isola di Ischia e su Punta Campanella. Inoltre, quando il mare è calmo e vi è bassa marea, si può accedere alla suggestiva grotta che renderà quest’esperienza ancor più speciale.

Scoprendo questi luoghi i vostri social saranno, senza dubbio, unici e voi soddisfatti di aver conosciuto e fatto esperienza di una piccola parte delle meraviglie di Massa Lubrense.

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3 days in Massa Lubrense | travel itinerary

Category:Blog,Places Tags : 

di Serena Lobianco

Pianificare un itinerario di 3 giorni a Massa Lubrense è semplice se ci si può avvalere di indicazioni o idee dalle quali partire. Questo articolo vuole essere una guida alla scoperta di Massa Lubrense. Verranno illustrati 3 giorni di viaggio in cui consigliamo: luoghi da visitare, attività e prodotti gastronomici; i quali sono la chiave per un’esperienza memorabile.


    Il primo step del viaggio è nel cuore di Massa Lubrense, dove si trova la Cattedrale di Santa Maria delle Grazie. Le opere d’arte che custodisce al suo interno evocano una fiorente cultura estetica. Tra queste, vi è la tavoletta raffigurante la “Madonna delle Grazie” e la tavola del “Battesimo di Cristo”.
    A pochi passi da Santa Maria delle Grazie, rimanendo in piazza Largo Vescovado, si può ammirare un panorama suggestivo sull’isola di Capri e l’isola d’Ischia.
    È un piccolo borgo testimone del primo insediamento normanno della città di Massa Lubrense. La storia non è l’unico fattore d’attrazione di Annunziata, poiché oltre ai resti della cinta muraria che circondava il Castello Aragonese, raggiungendo il belvedere vicino all’antica torre di difesa, si può ammirare il panorama che offre la penisola sorrentina.
    Percorrendo la strada che passa per Marciano, non a caso denominata “Nastro d’Oro”, si potrà ammirare dall’alto l’antica torre saracena di San Lorenzo e un panorama costiero mozzafiato, con affaccio diretto sull’Isola di Capri.
    Da Marciano si raggiunge la frazione di Termini. Da qui, si può risalire il monte di San Costanzo in auto o anche a piedi, tramite un sentiero. Raggiunta la chiesetta, non sempre aperta al pubblico, ci si imbatte in una vista a 360 gradi da cui si ammirano i golfi di Napoli e di Salerno. 
    Marina del Cantone affaccia sul golfo di Salerno, le sue spiagge immacolate e il mare cristallino rendono l’atmosfera paradisiaca. Ci sono numerosi ristoranti situati sulla spiaggia dove poter provare gli Spaghetti alla Nerano e varie altre specialità locali.
    Sant’Agata è la frazione più grande di Massa Lubrense, si colloca tra il golfo di Napoli e il golfo di Salerno. Il suo nome deriva, appunto, alla sua ubicazione. In questa zona si possono visitare:
    Chiesa di Santa Maria delle Grazie, fondata nella metà del ‘700, al proprio interno preserva la statua di Sant’Agata e alcuni dipinti del XVI secolo;
    Monastero di San Paolo al Deserto, una struttura abitata da un gruppo di suore di clausura. È il punto più alto di Sant’Agata, per tanto, se si sale sulla torretta si ammira l’incontro dei due golfi, racchiuso in una vista sorprendente e indimenticabile. Al tramonto, il panorama assume una connotazione romantica, semplicemente unica. 
3 giorni a Massa Lubrense | Itinerario
Chiesa di San Costanzo


Durante il secondo giorno di viaggio, potreste intraprendere un’escursione e fare trekking tra i sentieri. Consulta questa pagina per le indicazioni più dettagliate delle escursioni.

    Il percorso parte da piazza Santa Croce a Termini e si conclude con l’arrivo alla torre di Punta Campanella da cui si può ammirare l’isola di Capri.
    Partendo da Nerano si arriva alla meravigliosa Baia di Ieranto. Il sentiero è un’immersione tra terra e mare: si passa tra la vegetazione fino ad arrivare alla baia e ammirare il mare cristallino.
    È  il percorso più impegnativo dei tre ma lo sforzo verrà ripagato dagli indimendicabili panorami. Dall’inizio del sentiero si possono scorgere i tre isolotti Li Galli, l’isoletta Vetara e l’isoletta Isca, e anche la torre di Crapolla. Per arrivare alla fine del cammino bisogna scendere tramite una scalinata di circa 700 gradini fino ad arrivare al mare. 
3 giorni a Massa Lubrense | Itinerario
Punta Campanella


L’ultimo dei 3 giorni può essere dedicato dedicato all’esperienza gastronomica negli agriturismi e al relax in spiaggia.
Massa Lubrense ha un’ampia offerta di strutture agrituristiche e aziende agricole visitabili. L’ospitalità non è l’unica attrattiva del luogo, infatti, ogni azienda è unica nel suo genere e coinvolge il cliente proponendo attività diverse. Non per ultimo, ciascuna struttura propone una gran varietà di specialità culinarie locali che non troverai altrove, come, per citarne alcuni, il Provolone del Monaco o l’olio d’oliva.

Dopo aver impiegato metà giornata nel verde, l’altra metà la si può trascorrere sulle spiagge di Massa Lubrense. Marina di Puolo si trova all’inizio della costa lubrense e continuando avremo Marina della Lobra, Cala di Mitigliano, Marina del Cantone, Baia di Recommone.
Eventualmente, si può optare per un’attività sportiva come un giro in canoa oppure fare immersioni subacquee. E se 3 giorni a Massa Lubrense non dovessero bastarti, puoi sempre tornare!

3 giorni a Massa Lubrense | Itinerario
Viaggiare, per tanti, significa indossare le vesti del turista e impugnare la macchina fotografica ma se l’obiettivo è quello di esplorare una meta in prima persona, bisogna calarsi nell’ottica dell’esploratore. 
Diventa un viaggiatore curioso e cogli il massimo che questo luogo ha da offrirti.

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Right in front of Capri, on the hill at the foot of Mount San Costanzo (330 meters above the sea), the hamlet of Termini enjoys an enviable position in terms of landscape. The origin of its name could possibly be derived from its proximity to Punta Campanella (termine = end), at the end of the Sorrento Peninsula.

Mount San Costanzo rises in the south, on its eastern peak is the chapel dedicated to the saint. The ridge, watershed between the gulfs of Naples and Salerno, falls directly towards the sea, ending in Punta Campanella, with Capri in front, just five miles away. Punta Campanella is connected to Termini by the ancient Via Minerva. It passes through two remarkable sites: the first is called Fossa di Papa, and there was perhaps an ancient Greek necropolis; the other is called Mitigliano, at this point (250 meters) stood an old abbey, and there is still the small and venerated church of Santa Maria.

Church of Santa Croce a Termini

The parish was established in 1566 in Termini by Mons. Belloni. The present church stands on the ancient estaurita of the Holy Cross, which is known since the fifteenth century. Rebuilt in the first half of the seventeenth century, it has a single nave and apse and dome. There are four arches, two on each side, each with altar. Above the high altar in marble, a painting by Massimo Stanzione represents the Pietà which sustains Jesus died at the foot of the Cross.

In “Cornu Evangeli”, after the sacristy, there is the marble altar of the Virgin of the Rosary, erected in 1867 by the Congregation of the same name. Before the renovation of the church, the former altar was dedicated to St. Cataldo and there was temporarily housed the famous relic, now venerated in the Cathedral. Another altar of the fifteenth century was abandoned, then rebuilt. It is dedicated to Purgatory.

In “Cornu Epistulae”, at the entrance of the church, there is the ancient altar, which existed before the new church. A painting depicts the Madonna, and SS. Anthony and Michael. An arcade-shaped square is at the entrance of church

Church of Santa Maria di Mitigliano

This church, built in ancient abbey, has cross structure, which suggests a broader plan of the church in ancient times, a Latin cross and facing west. Mons. Nepita found it shabby, and ordered the restoration; probably this was done in the early eighteenth century, being in the floor the inscription Devotor. Sumptibus AD 1700, and on the threshold the date 1702. It was then rebuilt in 1743, as stated in two epigraphs placed in the side pillars at the door.

The nave is spacious with an apse and dome and a square plan. On the entrance door, from 1613, there is a fifteenth-century statuette of the Madonna with the Child.

The High Altar, from the 17th century, in beautiful polychrome marbles, belonged to the Church of S. Giuseppe del Quartiere, moved here in 1808. Above is the ancient effigy of the Misericordia. To the left of the entrance door, in the wall of the nave, opens the chapel dedicated to the Annunciation of the century. XVI, then passed under the title of S. Maria della Carità.

 How to reach Termini

By car

To reach Termini from Massa Center take Via IV Novembre and follow the road until after Marciano; from Sant’Agata sui Due Golfi, proceed by Via dei Campi. You can park either in Termini’s square and along the streets that precede it, in the blue lines.

Public transport

SITA buses directed to Marina del Cantone, depart from Sorrento or Sant’Agata sui Due Golfi, crossing Termini most of the times. It is advisable to check the bus schedule.

Excursions from Termini:

Monte San Costanzo
Punta Campanella
Athena Trail
Cala di Mitigliano

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Torre Punta Campanella Tower

Punta Campanella

Punta Campanella

Punta Campanella is the extreme tip of the Sorrento Peninsula, it stoods probably here the greek temple dedicated to the sirens, whose foundation is attributed to the mythical Ulysses.

Lenght: 4 km / 2,5 miles
Vertical drop: 300 m / 0,20 miles
Duration: 2h
Route: Termini – Punta Campanella

A nice walk is the only way to reach Punta Campanella, a trail of one hour through the north side of the promontory, between the gulf of Neaples and the gulf of Salerno. This path is part of the Athena Trail, a loop circuit connecting Punta Campanella to the Mount of San Costanzo.

From the little square of Termini, piazza Santa Croce, head down via Campanella. After about 200 metres take the first turning to the right in the direction of via Minerva, a Greek-Roman mule track built in the fourth century B.C. and still partially paved with the Roman paving. On the way down, you’ll see on the right a detour to the Cala di Mitigliano, a nice cove with a pebble beach with views of Capri. But go straight to Punta Campanella.

The vegetation gradually becomes thinner and you can see the Promontorium Minervae and then Capri, in all its splendor. On the right, you will see the the tower called Torre di Fossa Papa, the path gets steeper and a layer of asphalt covers from 1962 the well preserved Roman floor.

Finally you will see the tower and the lighthouse of Punta Campanella: the tower, in gray tuff, probably stands on the site that housed an ancient temple dedicated to Athena – Minerva, founded by the Greeks and then used by Romans. The presence of a temple is attested by the archaeological ruins that can still be seen around the tower.

The tower, also known as Torre Minerva, was built on the orders of Robert of Anjou between 1334 and 1335 and then rebuilt in 1556 after its destruction at the hands of the Turks. Located in a strategic position, it was used for the sighting of the pirates and was part of a system of watchtowers built along the coast and the interior of the Sorrento Peninsula. On the tower a bell was sounded in the event of an alarm, and this is probably the origin of the name of Punta Campanella (campana = bell).

From here, Capri is so close that seems you can touch it with your hands.

On the left side of the tower, a steep path hardly leads to the Cave of the Sirens, halfway an Oscan inscription from the first half of the second century a. C. is carved in the rock, demonstrating the presence of the Italic populations in an area always considered occupied by the Greeks.

How to reach Termini

By car

To reach Termini from Massa Center take Via IV Novembre and follow the road until after Marciano; from Sant’Agata sui Due Golfi, proceed by Via dei Campi. You can park either in Termini’s square and along the streets that precede it, in the blue lines.

Public transport

SITA buses directed to Marina del Cantone, depart from Sorrento or Sant’Agata sui Due Golfi, crossing Termini most of the times. It is advisable to check the bus schedule.

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Athena Trail

Athena Trail

The Athena Trail passes through an area of particular interest for its historical importance, for the wild look that nature preserves, and the wonderful views it offers.

You can view this trail in the AllTrails app or you can use the track:

The Athena Trail combines the excursions to Punta Campanella and Monte San Costanzo in a single loop circuit, which allows you to walk through all the most extreme part of the Sorrento Peninsula.

From the little square of Termini, piazza Santa Croce, head down Via Campanella. After about 200 meters, at the crossroads, turn right towards the ancient Via Minerva, a Greek-Roman mule track built in the fourth century B.C. and still partially paved with Roman paving.

Crossing the north side of the Promontorium Minervae, which separates the bay of Naples from the gulf of Salerno, the vegetation becomes gradually sparser and you begin to glimpse the island of Capri, while on the right appears the Torre di Fossa di Papa.

Finally, the tower and the lighthouse of Punta Campanella appear: the tower, in gray tuff, stands on the site that probably housed in ancient times a temple dedicated to Athena – Minerva, founded by the Greeks and later inherited by the Romans. The presence of a temple is attested by the archaeological ruins still visible around the tower.

Seen from here, Capri appears so close that it seems you can touch it.

From Punta Campanella continue towards Monte San Costanzo, the highest hill in Massa Lubrense, following the white-red trail of the Italian Alpine Club (C.A.I.) indicateing the Alta Via dei Monti Lattari. Thus you cross the southern slope of the promontory, leaving the island of Capri behind; on the right, the view opens onto the Bay of Ieranto.

Once you reach the small pine forest, which offers a pleasant shaded area, a limestone staircase leads in a short time to the top of the mountain. From the white church of San Costanzo, dating back to the second half of the sixteenth century, the panorama opens to 360 degrees on the whole landscape that includes the territory of Massa Lubrense, from the bay of Naples to the gulf of Salerno, with the imposing Vesuvius, the islands of Capri, Ischia and Procida.

To go back to Termini, the ancient path that intersects the curves of the main road is shorter but steeper and quite bumpy; it will end just before the junction with via Campanella.

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Bay of Ieranto

Cala di Mitigliano

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Trekking in Massa Lubrense

Trekking in Massa Lubrense

The landscapes of Massa Lubrense are truly breathtaking, and the best way to enjoy their beauty is on foot.

Guided walking tours of Massa Lubrense are marked in green in our events calendar.

You can find maps of the entire area in the Maps page.

You can browse online “Massa Lubrense. Il Paradiso è qui“: the trekking guidebook of Massa Lubrense.
In Italian, English, German and French.

The network of trails that cross the entire territory allows hikers to choose from many trekking options in Massa Lubrense.

We present you the best routes:

Massa – Marina Lobra
Massa – Sorrento
Massa – Termini
S. Agata – Massa
Punta Campanella
Monte San Costanzo
Bay of Ieranto
Athena Trail
Cala di Mitigliano
Recommone Beach
Sirenuse Trail
Crapolla Cove

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You can use the maps of the Massa Lubrense trails with the AllTrails app, or you can use the GPX and KML tracks.

The maps of the paths of Massa Lubrense and Sorrento, in paper version, are distributed free of charge at the Pro Loco Massa Lubrense.

From Massa to Marina Lobra

From Massa to Sorrento

Monte San Costanzo

From Massa to Termini

Massa – Monticchio loop

From S. Agata to Marina del Cantone

S. Agata – Massa loop

From Sant’Agata to Massa

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Beaches of Massa Lubrense

Beaches of Massa Lubrense

Unique among the towns of Sorrento Coast, Massa Lubrense offers beaches and bays on both coasts: Marina di Puolo, San Montano, Marina della Lobra, Le Fontane, the Sirens Bay and Cala Mitigliano in the Gulf of Naples; Ieranto Bay, Marina del Cantone, Recommone and Crapolla Cove in the Gulf of Salerno.

All this coastline is protected with the institution of the Marine Protected Area of Punta Campanella, with the intent to ensure the full protection of nature (ZONE A) and proper land management for eco-tourist use (ZONE B), and for the maintenance and development of local economy (ZONE C), combining the preservation of environmental values with the sustainable use of the marine environment.

Massa Lubrense is also the only town of Naples obtaining for 14 consecutive years (2008-2021) the prestigious Bandiera Blu (Blue Flag) award, given annually by the Fee to reward the quality of sea water, the maintenance of the coastal strip, the ‘efficiency of the services and security measures.

The beaches of Massa Lubrense:

Marina del Cantone
Baia di Ieranto
Baia di Ieranto
Marina di Puolo
Marina della Lobra
Crapolla Cove