Tag Archives: Sport

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In the silence of the sea: the discovery of diving

Category:Blog,Outdoors,Travel Tags : 

Diving is an extraordinary experience of intimate symbiosis with the sea. Holding your breath here becomes a skill that allows you to open the doors to a kingdom of silent beauty.

In Massa Lubrense there is a free diving center where you can find support and guidance to explore the art of diving. You can abandon yourself to the sea, immersing yourself in a world of calm, serenity, but also adventure. We had the opportunity to interview Antonio Mironi, founder of the Capri Freediving center and certified instructor by the Association Sport Apnea Academy, who shared with us interesting information about it.


Hello Antonio! When was Capri Freediving founded and why?

Capri Freediving is a free diving center that was founded in 2023 in Massa Lubrense. It was born from a project that has always been in my head since childhood. I come from a history far from the sea, I am originally from Capri but I grew up in Milan; despite this, I have always been passionate about the sea, even though from afar. My dream was to come back one day and get closer to the discipline of freediving, which I have always practiced as a child. After graduating in economics I dedicated myself to training and preparing to become a free diving instructor. My goal was to open a center where people could share and teach apnea, mainly at sea since we have wonderful places. The center was born from the realization of a dream that I have always had.

What types of services do you offer?

We mainly offer courses. Being an apnea center we offer mini courses that can last both a day and a week, within which there are several methodologies. Following the attendance of these courses, patents may also be issued. The title that qualifies me as an instructor is a title issued by Apnea Academy, the largest school of apnea in the world founded by Umberto Pelizzari, historical world champion of apnea and holder of several records. There are also facilities for tourists such as recreational apnea excursions and snorkeling, more oriented to the tourist industry. Finally, we also have a whole logistics aimed at people who have already attended the courses and who have experience of apnea and who want to do training at sea.

What kind of discipline is apnea?

Apnea is a discipline that is growing more and more because it is open to all. Very often people are afraid to hold their breath, which is actually part of our genetic code, we just have to go back and do it. There are steps to follow to teach anyone to enjoy these sensations. I would define it as a discipline aimed at the well-being and relaxation of the person.

How do you train and prepare for apnea?

First of all, exercises are necessary from the point of view of breathing: to learn not to breathe you must first learn to breathe. There are exercises that come from the ancient art of pranayama, a strand of yoga that concerns breathing. Apnea borrows these exercises to train the ability to inhale and expire, to train the extension of the diaphragm and rib cage. Then there are the workouts in water that can be divided into workouts done in the pool (known as dynamic apnea) that train the lack of oxygen and that train the increase in carbon dioxide. Then there are the workouts done deeply in the water that are called workouts in constant trim and in this case we train the depth, the pressure, the compensation and a whole series of variations that are included in the deep going. 

Are specific requirements necessary?

It is a sport open to all. The only requirement is to know how to swim and be comfortable in the water. This year in our center came a lady of 52 years that had never done apnea in his life and fell to 18 meters underwater.


What are the benefits of free diving?

Definitely apnea helps relaxation, it is a wellness sport. What happens on a physiological level, especially at sea, is a lowering of the heartbeat due to contact with water and going slightly deeper. This lowering of the heartbeat generates a whole series of benefits such as the muscle, nervous and mental relaxation; the moment you leave a session of apnea you have the feeling of having slept, as when you wake up in the morning well relaxed. Among the other benefits we find being in the water, so you release all the gravity, all that weight you have on you: being in the water, with activities projected to relaxation, helps the physique to give up all the tensions.

On the site there is a section called “emotions in apnea“, in this regard, what emotions can you feel with this experience?

Emotions in apnea mainly concerns the recreational services that you do in Capri Freediving, so snorkeling and recreational apnea. The emotion is to stay relaxing in a marine environment, a protected environment like Parco Marino Punta Campanella, that includes Baia di Ieranto, Fiordo di Crapolla or the islets Li Galli. The emotion is to enjoy the seabed and the fauna, the transparency of the water, thanks to the presence of an expert guide, who can assist you and that guarantees safety to people who dive. Without a guide all this would not be feasible, especially in our areas where, especially in summer, there is a good presence of boats.

What makes Massa Lubrense unique as a place to practice apnea?

The Marine Park, the A.M.P. Punta Campanella. Generally in the tourist areas it is common to find many boats and practice apnea safely also means having the help of an organization that deals with regulating the transit of boats. In addition to this, it provides support in the organization of events. For example, this year we will organize an internship with Pelizzari and thanks to the collaboration of A.M.P. Punta Campanella we will have a well-defined logistics that will help to ensure safety. We are particularly cautious in this regard. The alliance with the Marine Park is a fundamental element, without which all this would not be possible.

Why should a person approach this world? And what advice would you give?

Today, we are immersed in a context in which we are constantly exposed to many stressful factors, including work-related pressures and family commitments. We are often bombarded with incessant notifications from our phone devices and computers. Apnea helps to mentally disconnect from these continuous inputs. The brain works faster, and we’re not wired to work that fast. Apnea slows everything down and helps us think more calmly. People should approach apnea because it brings us back to our basic functions, the simple ones that belong to us, like being well and being quiet. Apnea helps to slow down and feel good. The advice, therefore, is to try to believe. In fact, almost always people perceive the benefit. 


We thank the instructor Antonio Mironi for kindly sharing his time and valuable information with us. We hope that this article has aroused your curiosity. The sea awaits only you, whether you are beginners or experts!

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Massa Lubrense turns blue

Category:Blog,Events,Places Tags : 

The Napoli football team is champion of Italy: all of Massa Lubrense turns blue to celebrate.

Great emotion and happiness for the Napoli fans who celebrated the third championship in the team’s history.

In every square and in every street, flags have sprung up from the windows, blue ribbons that go from one balcony to another, banners on the facades of the buildings.

The life-size silhouettes of the players were installed in the gardens of Massa Centro. There is also Spalletti and, of course, Maradona.

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The Giro d’Italia passes in Massa Lubrense

Category:Blog,Events Tags : 

In the spring of 2023, the Giro d’Italia, by going through the Sorrento Peninsula, will pass in Massa Lubrense.

The 106th edition of the Giro d’Italia, 2023

This year’s Giro d’Italia (tour of Italy) will begin on May 6, 2023, starting in the Marina di Fossacesia, Abruzzo, and ending on May 28 in Rome. The riders will cover a total of 3448.6 km with up to 51,300 m of elevation gain. There will be 21 stages in total with different levels of difficulty.

Stage 6: Naples-Naples

The tour will arrive in the Sorrento Peninsula during the sixth stage, both starting and finishing in Naples, on May 11, 2023. This will be a short and intense stage between the chief town of Campania and the Amalfi Peninsula. From Naples the riders will coast Mount Vesuvius from the north side to climb the Valico di Chiunzi and enter Amalfi in a circuit that runs along the entire Amalfi coast. They will face a series of twisting roads that will end in the Pompeii area from where the race will continue basically straight to Naples. The final sprint will take place on the seafront of Via Caracciolo, where a non complete group is likely to show up. The cyclists will cover a total of 156 km.
It is during this stage that the Giro di Italia will pass through Massa Lubrense.

The last time the riders travelled these territories was 10 years ago, in May 2013. In that year, one of the stages of the race started from Sorrento, passing through the Monti Lattari, the Amalfi coast, and on to Paestum and Cilento. The mayor of Sorrento would like to make his city a stage city again for the next edition of the Giro di Italia, in 2024.

The route of Giro di Italia 2023
The route of Giro d’Italia 2023,
Instagram @giroditalia

This sporting event has always been one of the most followed by Italians. Every year there are many citizens who take to the roads to watch the passage of the riders and cheer them on. The streets are colored pink and flags wave in the crowd. Not only live, but as always the event can also be watched on television.

Historical background and curiosities

The Giro d’Italia is a men’s cycling race whose first edition was organized 114 years ago, in May 1909. At the time, cycling was considered among the most watched sports in Italy, even more than soccer. The route counted 2448 km and was organized in 8 stages including, as today, uphill and flat sections. From then on the race was organized every year, except for the period of the world wars, involving athletes from all over the world. This cycling competition is among the three greatest in Europe.

The symbol of the Giro d’Italia has always been the iconic pink jersey, worn each year by the winner.
Why pink? This color was chosen to pay homage to the Gazzetta dello Sport, organizer and creator of the event, whose newspaper pages are precisely the same color. Athletes, however, can also win other types of jerseys based on their performance, such as blue, white or cyclamen.

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church of San Costanzo

Non-tourist activities in Massa Lubrense

Category:Events,Festivals,Places,Travel Tags : 

di Rosario Sisto

Siete per caso stanchi delle solite attività turistiche?

Quante volte è possibile ripetere le stesse attività in luoghi diversi prima che diventino monotone? Visitare musei, centri archeologici, chiese, andare a mangiare nei ristoranti della zona per provare la cucina locale e così via.

Ovviamente non c’è nulla di male con nessuna di queste attività, ma è naturale che si voglia provare qualcosa di diverso di tanto in tanto. Magari molti di voi saranno interessati a fare cose che solitamente non rientrano nel tipico itinerario turistico, ed è precisamente a voi che offriamo una serie di attività non turistiche che potrete godere qui a Massa Lubrense!

Da vari tipi di attività sportive a esperienze agricole ravvicinate, scoprirete che qui da noi c’è sempre qualcosa capace di catturare il vostro interesse!

Attività non turistiche per il corpo e la mente

Qui a Massa Lubrense potrete trovare numerose occasioni per cimentarvi in vari tipi di sport, di cui alcuni sono mirati a giovare al corpo, altri allo spirito.

Ecco a voi alcune attività che vi consigliamo in particolar modo:

  • Yoga: Lo Yoga ha origini antichissime risalenti a migliaia di anni fa in India e si trova a metà strada tra una pura attività fisica e una vera e propria filosofia. Si tratta di un insieme di attività che non solo giovano alla salute fisica ma che mirano anche al raggiungimento di un miglior stato spirituale. Sin dall’antichità molti individui ritengono che sia possibile raggiungere un livello di illuminazione e salvezza spirituale tramite queste pratiche. Esistono vari tipi di Yoga, ognuno con le proprie caratteristiche, come ad esempio lo Sri Sri Yoga.
  • Pilates: Un metodo di allenamento fisico, ideato da Joseph Pilates agli inizi del 900, che prende vari spunti dallo Yoga. Pilates mira ad allenare i muscoli in maniera precisa, così da migliorare la propria postura, nonché la fluidità e precisione dei movimenti, senza aumentare la massa muscolare in modo eccessivo.
  • Canoa: Qui a Massa Lubrense vi sarà possibile partecipare a delle visite guidate in canoa lungo le acque che bagnano il territorio. Se siete interessati ad esercitare il vostro fisico e ammirare le bellezze delle nostre coste allo stesso tempo vi invitiamo a non lasciarvi sfuggire l’occasione!

Ci sono ancora altri tipi di attività sportive che potrete praticare qui da noi. Spesso organizziamo eventi che vi permetteranno di praticarle guidati da esperti, per questo vi consigliamo di tener sempre d’occhio il nostro calendario.

Esperienze religiose uniche

attività non turistiche

Se siete interessati a conoscere la vita religiosa qui a Massa Lubrense allora vi invitiamo ad assistere alle processioni del Venerdì Santo che avvengono ogni anno.

Si tratta di due processioni eseguite da due organizzazioni:

  • La processione del Cristo morto, eseguita dall’Arciconfraternita della Morte, volta a rappresentare la passione e morte di Cristo. L’Arciconfraternita nacque nel 1613 con il fine di voler garantire una degna sepoltura a tutti coloro che non potessero permettersela a causa della loro povertà.
  • Una processione organizzata dalla Confraternita di San Filippo Neri, anch’essa rappresentante la morte di Cristo. La Confraternita fu ufficialmente fondata nel 1575 da Filippo Neri ed è dedita all’utilizzo dell’istruzione e della predicazione per la santificazione delle anime.

Intrattenimento per bambini a Massa Lubrense

Se avete con voi dei bambini e volete che anche loro trovino attività divertenti tutte per loro a cui partecipare allora non temete! Qui a Massa Lubrense troverete vari parchi giochi dove i vostri bambini potranno divertirsi immersi nella natura!

A Sant’Agata sui Due Golfi, una delle nostre frazioni, troverete un parco di recente apertura situato lungo via Reola, aperto dal Lunedì al Venerdì, dalle 9:00 alle 13:00 e dalle 15:00 alle 18:00, e il Sabato e la Domenica dalle 9:00 alle 18:00, sia agli adulti che ai bambini, dove i primi potranno rilassarsi a contatto con la natura mentre gli ultimi si divertono.

Di recente riapertura è il Parco delle Sirene, che adesso presenta una nuova area giochi per i bambini con tanto di nuove misure di sicurezza. Inoltre è stata migliorata l’accessibilità ai disabili per tutte le aree del parco. Il parco è situato a Massa Centro, lungo via Rotabile Massa Turro.

Immergersi nella produzione agricola

attività non turistiche

Se avete mai desiderato osservare con i vostri occhi come avviene la produzione agricola e la raccolta delle olive, qui a Massa Lubrense potrete averne l’occasione!

Abbiamo molte aziende agricole nel territorio che si occupano della produzione di una miriade di prodotti diversi. Molte di esse tendono a produrre olio tramite la coltivazione di olive.

Generalmente la raccolta delle olive avviene tra i mesi di Ottobre e Dicembre, ed è proprio intorno a questo periodo che ogni anno viene organizzata una “camminata tra gli olivi” da parte dell’Associazione Nazionale Città dell’Olio, che comprende centinaia di città in tutta Italia. Tra queste città è spesso inclusa Massa Lubrense, pertanto vi invitiamo a prenderne parte nell’occasione se desiderate vivere un’esperienza unica a stretto contatto con la realtà agricola locale!

Attività non turistiche per un’esperienza diversa

Ci sono ovviamente molte altre attività non turistiche che potrete provare qui a Massa Lubrense, in quest’articolo vi abbiamo indicato solo alcuni di quelle che, secondo noi, potreste apprezzare di più.

Se quindi desiderate passare un’esperienza turistica un po’ diversa dal solito vi invitiamo calorosamente a visitarci il prima possibile. Vi assicuriamo che la vostra permanenza qui da noi sarà indimenticabile!

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Pilates at the Annunziata Castle

Category:Blog,Events,Featured,Outdoors,Pro Loco Tags : 

Pilates at the castle is a cycle of 7 outdoor meetings, at sunset, designed to promote conscious breathing through fluid and coordinated movements.

The free pilates lessons are held by the physiotherapist Carla Marciano, in the splendid location of the Aragonese Castle of the Annunziata, one of the jewels of the municipal heritage of Massa Lubrense.

Info and reservations:

Pro Loco Massa Lubrense (9:30 – 13:00)
Viale Filangieri, 11
+393510862663 (WhatsApp)

Exercising in the open area is the best way to feel good not only with yourself but also with the nature that surrounds us.

Outdoors, it is easier to put aside any negative thoughts, concentrating completely on movement and breathing, with great health benefits: the body acquires elasticity, fluidity and physical tonicity, while the mind better counteracts states of anxiety and stress.

Pilates is suitable for both those who simply need movement and those who have particular pathologies. In these basic lessons, suitable for everyone, the goal is to learn to know and listen to your body, with the use of breathing and simple exercises.

Organized by the Pro Loco Massa Lubrense, with the patronage and contribution of the Municipality of Massa Lubrense – Tourism Department. It is part of the “Omaggio alla bellezza” program.

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Yoga at sunset

Category:Blog,Events,Featured,Pro Loco Tags : 

12 yoga classes outdoors, on the panoramic terrace of the Church of Sant’Andrea in Marciano, with the osteopath Dr. Antonino Minervino.

A cycle of 12 outdoor meetings designed to offer the possibility of rediscovering our well-being, encouraging increasingly healthy lifestyles.

The type of yoga proposed by osteopath Dr. Antonio Minervino is “hatha yoga”, in which physical effort is the tool to regain balance; it is a type of yoga suitable for all ages and which does not require any particular physical preparation.

Lessons are held weekly, on Thursdays, and are held on the terrace of the Church of Marciano, in a context of calm and relaxation, with an enchanting panorama. Each lesson lasts 60 minutes.

Yoga classes are free, participants are required to bring a mat and comfortable clothing.


Info and reservations:

Pro Loco Massa Lubrense
Viale Filangieri 11, 80061 Massa Lubrense, Napoli
+390815339021 (9:30 – 13:00)
+393510862663 (WhatsApp)

Organized by the Pro Loco Massa Lubrense, with the patronage and contribution of the Municipality of Massa Lubrense – Tourism Department. It is part of the “Omaggio alla bellezza” program.