Tag Archives: Children

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Reusing Market: an adventure of exchange and fun!

Category:Blog,Events,Pro Loco Tags : 

If you’re a little lover of reusing and enjoy giving things a second life, then you’ve found the right place! Get ready for an afternoon of fun and sharing at the Reusing Market, taking place in the gardens of Massa Centro on Sunday, April 21st from 4 pm to 8 pm.

But before diving into the exciting world of the Reusing Market, make sure to follow these simple tips to ensure your experience is unforgettable:

1. Choose items to bring carefully.

Think about which articles other children might love and carefully select what you want to bring to the market. Make sure they’re in excellent condition because we want everyone to find something special!

2. Freshen up your items.

Once you’ve selected your treasures, take some time to clean them thoroughly. A touch of cleaning will make your items shine and make your stand at the market more appealing.

3. Organize merchandise by type.

To make it easier for visitors to search, organize your items by type. You could have a section for toys, another for books, and another for clothes. Clarity is key!

4. Set prices and prepare cards.

Decide the price for each item you want to sell or exchange and write it on a recycled card. Make sure prices are clear and visible to all potential buyers.

5. It’s up to you: sell, exchange, donate!

You have the freedom to decide what to do with your items. You can sell them to earn some extra pocket money, trade them with other children for new adventures, or even donate them to whoever you want. The choice is yours!

6. Bring a table or a cloth to display merchandise.

Make sure to bring something to display your items. A table or a cloth works great to showcase your merchandise attractively and neatly.

    And don’t forget to leave yourself some time to explore other children’s stands! You might find some hidden treasures or make new friends during your shopping adventures.

    So, prepare your best items and join us for an unforgettable morning of reuse, fun, and discoveries at the Reusing Market.

    We’ll be waiting for you on Sunday, April 21st, at the Gardens of Massa Centro from 4 pm to 8 pm. Don’t miss it!

    Reusing Market

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    The Magic Christmas Book: an enchanting afternoon for all children

    Category:Blog,Events,Festivals,Pro Loco Tags : 

    When: 28 December 2023, 4 pm
    Where: Giardinetti di Massa Centro

    The Magic Christmas Book: an extraordinary event is about to turn the afternoon of December 28 into an unforgettable experience. We invite all children to participate in a magical day of animated readings, creative workshops and a tasty Christmas snack.

    The Magic Book of Christmas with “Barattoli Cosmici”

    The stage will come alive with the show “The Magic Book of Christmas” brought to life by Storto and Diritto, two salesmen of Santa Claus. These bungling storytellers will guide us through an enchanted world, full of packages and boxes each containing a dream, a memory or a wish destined for children in every corner of the Earth. With the talented actors of “Barattoli Cosmici” and the narrative technique of the overhead projector, children will be transported into a fun and engaging story.

    Creative Christmas Workshop

    After the show, the little artists will have the opportunity to explore their creativity at the Christmas Workshop. With a wide range of colorful and festive materials available, children can create unique Christmas decorations and special gifts. They will be guided by experienced “elves” who help them to bring their ideas to life, promoting collaboration and sharing of ideas among participants.

    Christmas snack

    The day will end with a delicious Christmas snack, enriched by the enveloping fragrance of hot chocolate. Children can share their experiences and artistic creations while enjoying Christmas sweets.

    The event is open to all children and it is completely free. Join us for an afternoon of magic, creativity and celebration. You will create special memories that will last forever. We look forward to sharing the enchantment of Christmas with you and your families!

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    Activities for children in Massa Lubrense

    Category:Blog,Outdoors,Pro Loco Tags : 

    Massa Lubrense is a territory with tourist attractions for visitors of all ages and certainly there is no shortage of activities for children. These are mainly experiences that take place in close contact with nature, starting from the sea to the guided walks.

    Here are 5 experiences for your children in Massa Lubrense


    A green space and many games are a great solution to spend some time relaxing and having fun with family. The playground is definitely one of the favorite places for children of all ages. The municipality of Massa Lubrense guarantees several green oasis. Children can play there, have fun and make new acquaintances. The parks are open in the morning and afternoon, with evening lighting.


    Massa Lubrense has several farms that allow guided tours suitable for children. It is a unique experience in which they can pet the newborn calves, taste milk and other typical products of the farm, play with the animals and feel welcomed and pampered by a family atmosphere.


    For children the beach is always a fun idea that immediately turns on their enthusiasm. The most suitable beaches for families are in particular Marina di Puolo and Marina del Cantone. The comfortable beaches and the shallow sea will allow you to let your children play and enjoy the days at sea more quietly. In addition, unlike other beaches, these can both easily be reached by car.


    One of the most attractive activities for children is definitely snorkeling. The sea of Massa Lubrense, with its crystal clear waters and the colorful and populated depths of different species of fish, will make them live an unforgettable adventure. Obviously, the presence of a parent or the help of specialized tutors is recommended. If you are passionate about the underwater world, accompanying them will be a unique experience for you adults.

    Merende Itineranti

    The Merende Itineranti are walks for children organized every year by the Pro Loco Massa Lubrens. It is an alternative activity to make sure that even children can discover the natural and historical wealth of Massa Lubrense. Our guides are able to stimulate children’s curiosity, involving them with anecdotes and fun activities. At the end of the walk is offered an organic snack, created for them only with local products.

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    church of San Costanzo

    Non-tourist activities in Massa Lubrense

    Category:Events,Festivals,Places,Travel Tags : 

    di Rosario Sisto

    Siete per caso stanchi delle solite attività turistiche?

    Quante volte è possibile ripetere le stesse attività in luoghi diversi prima che diventino monotone? Visitare musei, centri archeologici, chiese, andare a mangiare nei ristoranti della zona per provare la cucina locale e così via.

    Ovviamente non c’è nulla di male con nessuna di queste attività, ma è naturale che si voglia provare qualcosa di diverso di tanto in tanto. Magari molti di voi saranno interessati a fare cose che solitamente non rientrano nel tipico itinerario turistico, ed è precisamente a voi che offriamo una serie di attività non turistiche che potrete godere qui a Massa Lubrense!

    Da vari tipi di attività sportive a esperienze agricole ravvicinate, scoprirete che qui da noi c’è sempre qualcosa capace di catturare il vostro interesse!

    Attività non turistiche per il corpo e la mente

    Qui a Massa Lubrense potrete trovare numerose occasioni per cimentarvi in vari tipi di sport, di cui alcuni sono mirati a giovare al corpo, altri allo spirito.

    Ecco a voi alcune attività che vi consigliamo in particolar modo:

    • Yoga: Lo Yoga ha origini antichissime risalenti a migliaia di anni fa in India e si trova a metà strada tra una pura attività fisica e una vera e propria filosofia. Si tratta di un insieme di attività che non solo giovano alla salute fisica ma che mirano anche al raggiungimento di un miglior stato spirituale. Sin dall’antichità molti individui ritengono che sia possibile raggiungere un livello di illuminazione e salvezza spirituale tramite queste pratiche. Esistono vari tipi di Yoga, ognuno con le proprie caratteristiche, come ad esempio lo Sri Sri Yoga.
    • Pilates: Un metodo di allenamento fisico, ideato da Joseph Pilates agli inizi del 900, che prende vari spunti dallo Yoga. Pilates mira ad allenare i muscoli in maniera precisa, così da migliorare la propria postura, nonché la fluidità e precisione dei movimenti, senza aumentare la massa muscolare in modo eccessivo.
    • Canoa: Qui a Massa Lubrense vi sarà possibile partecipare a delle visite guidate in canoa lungo le acque che bagnano il territorio. Se siete interessati ad esercitare il vostro fisico e ammirare le bellezze delle nostre coste allo stesso tempo vi invitiamo a non lasciarvi sfuggire l’occasione!

    Ci sono ancora altri tipi di attività sportive che potrete praticare qui da noi. Spesso organizziamo eventi che vi permetteranno di praticarle guidati da esperti, per questo vi consigliamo di tener sempre d’occhio il nostro calendario.

    Esperienze religiose uniche

    attività non turistiche

    Se siete interessati a conoscere la vita religiosa qui a Massa Lubrense allora vi invitiamo ad assistere alle processioni del Venerdì Santo che avvengono ogni anno.

    Si tratta di due processioni eseguite da due organizzazioni:

    • La processione del Cristo morto, eseguita dall’Arciconfraternita della Morte, volta a rappresentare la passione e morte di Cristo. L’Arciconfraternita nacque nel 1613 con il fine di voler garantire una degna sepoltura a tutti coloro che non potessero permettersela a causa della loro povertà.
    • Una processione organizzata dalla Confraternita di San Filippo Neri, anch’essa rappresentante la morte di Cristo. La Confraternita fu ufficialmente fondata nel 1575 da Filippo Neri ed è dedita all’utilizzo dell’istruzione e della predicazione per la santificazione delle anime.

    Intrattenimento per bambini a Massa Lubrense

    Se avete con voi dei bambini e volete che anche loro trovino attività divertenti tutte per loro a cui partecipare allora non temete! Qui a Massa Lubrense troverete vari parchi giochi dove i vostri bambini potranno divertirsi immersi nella natura!

    A Sant’Agata sui Due Golfi, una delle nostre frazioni, troverete un parco di recente apertura situato lungo via Reola, aperto dal Lunedì al Venerdì, dalle 9:00 alle 13:00 e dalle 15:00 alle 18:00, e il Sabato e la Domenica dalle 9:00 alle 18:00, sia agli adulti che ai bambini, dove i primi potranno rilassarsi a contatto con la natura mentre gli ultimi si divertono.

    Di recente riapertura è il Parco delle Sirene, che adesso presenta una nuova area giochi per i bambini con tanto di nuove misure di sicurezza. Inoltre è stata migliorata l’accessibilità ai disabili per tutte le aree del parco. Il parco è situato a Massa Centro, lungo via Rotabile Massa Turro.

    Immergersi nella produzione agricola

    attività non turistiche

    Se avete mai desiderato osservare con i vostri occhi come avviene la produzione agricola e la raccolta delle olive, qui a Massa Lubrense potrete averne l’occasione!

    Abbiamo molte aziende agricole nel territorio che si occupano della produzione di una miriade di prodotti diversi. Molte di esse tendono a produrre olio tramite la coltivazione di olive.

    Generalmente la raccolta delle olive avviene tra i mesi di Ottobre e Dicembre, ed è proprio intorno a questo periodo che ogni anno viene organizzata una “camminata tra gli olivi” da parte dell’Associazione Nazionale Città dell’Olio, che comprende centinaia di città in tutta Italia. Tra queste città è spesso inclusa Massa Lubrense, pertanto vi invitiamo a prenderne parte nell’occasione se desiderate vivere un’esperienza unica a stretto contatto con la realtà agricola locale!

    Attività non turistiche per un’esperienza diversa

    Ci sono ovviamente molte altre attività non turistiche che potrete provare qui a Massa Lubrense, in quest’articolo vi abbiamo indicato solo alcuni di quelle che, secondo noi, potreste apprezzare di più.

    Se quindi desiderate passare un’esperienza turistica un po’ diversa dal solito vi invitiamo calorosamente a visitarci il prima possibile. Vi assicuriamo che la vostra permanenza qui da noi sarà indimenticabile!

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    Trekking: 10 tips for beginners

    Category:Blog,Outdoors,Pro Loco,Travel Tags : 

    by Angela della Ventura

    Interview with Michele Palomba

    Trekking is certainly one of the best sports you can practice in Massa Lubrense. It is not uncommon to find people that, although wishing to take on trekking, always postpone it, because they do not know where to start. This is exactly why we interviewed an expert in this field, Michele Palomba, who gave us 10 useful tips to help you enjoy this wonderful activity.

    1. Things you should always carry

    Contrary to popular belief, there is no need to carry many things, which are often bulky. You just need a few essentials, which can easily be stowed in a small backpack, as walking with both hands free will help improve balance and tackle steep trails. The essentials are:

    • a water bottle or canteen;
    • some snacks;
    • sunglasses;
    • cap or hat to protect yourself from sun rays:
    • change of dry clothes, in case you get wet due to bad weather or need to change after sweating too much (socks are utterly important);
    • warm outfit;
    • raincoat;
    • headlamp, which is particularly useful in wintertime, as the sun sets early;
    • fully charged phone;
    • small first aid kit;
    • pair of trekking poles.

    2. Things to include in your first aid kit

    kit pronto soccorso

    First of all, it is very important to always carry any type of prescribed drug with you; if you have allergies, always include antihistamines. Never give anyone the medications you have been prescribed, especially if that person has never taken that type of medication before. This is always good practice, but it is especially important when hiking.
    In the actual first aid kit, which should be stored in an airtight bag, you should include a small number of things, which can still help you treat any minor injuries you may suffer while trekking:

    • plasters of different sizes used to treat abrasions;
    • antiseptic, which must explicitly be of the type that can be used on damaged skin;
    • gauzes and medical tape;
    • Tweezers, which can help you to pull out splinters from wounds;

    You may of course include other types of medical devices, but you should only do so if you’re qualified enough to use them.

    3. Suitable clothing

    A simple but very useful advice is to dress with layered clothing using clothes that aren’t particularly warm or heavy when worn on their own, but, at the same time, when worn layered can give you comfort while trekking.
    Starting from the innermost layer, depending on season, you should either wear a t-shirt or a thermal long-sleeved shirt; continuing on, fleece clothing can always be useful to protect both from wind and unexpected cold in the shaded areas. Always depending on season, another layer can consist of either a duvet in winter or an anorak during spring or summer, which you can easily put on or take off as needed.
    Speaking of fabrics, it is best to avoid denim and plush fabric, because they take a lot of time to dry out in case you get wet when crossing a brook or due to unexpected rain. Breathable fabrics, on the other hand, are highly recommended, being fresh, durable, with quick drying properties. They are suitable for any type of sport.

    4. Suitable shoes

    Good shoes are essential for any type of hiking, even though many underestimate their importance.
    It is crucial to always wear shoes that are suitable for this kind of activity, even when walking on seemingly easy trails, because shoes will always help you walk better.
    New shoes may feel hard at first, but their hardness is intentional, as it helps sustaining your body while walking; sneakers or other common types of shoes, on the other hand, are too weak and do not provide good balance, even if they might feel more comfortable at first.
    Hiking shoes also feature a sculpted sole, which allows for good grip on any type of terrain.
    An useful advice, especially for beginners, is to use high boots, even if they might seem useless or overly expensive; these boots are specifically designed to protect the wearer against injury, as they sustain your ankle better than low boots do, by wrapping perfectly around it.

    5. How to pick a path to suit your needs

    There are several ways to pick a path that will suit your needs: you can either rely on printed guides or on guides available on the internet. You can also consider asking someone who is more experienced, such as a friend, a qualified guide or the local tourist office. One should avoid relying on websites where any user can upload tracks, since you won’t be able to judge trail conditions and the amount of experience needed to take a given path. Another tip would be not to follow the crowd, avoiding to pick a path only because, according to others, it is easier or just because many people pick it.

    6. How to prepare

    Hiking in Massa Lubrense

    Taking a basic trekking course can be really useful to become familiar with technical terms, to learn how to judge properly the type of terrain you will walk on and its elevation gain; this will in turn allow you to pick a path that, whille offering great landscapes, will still match your physical abilities. This is crucial, as it will guarantee that an otherwise wonderful experience doesn’t turn into something unpleasant.
    Speaking of physical preparation, beginners can take walks to train their body to cross steep terrain, but those who cannot exercise daily could simply start using the stairs instead of the lift anytime they can.

    7. How to reliably check the weather forecast

    Weather is an higly discussed topic and not an easy one to cover. The plethora of smartphone apps are a good way to get an overview of the situation. On the other hand, always keep in mind that in the open air, and especially in the mountains, weather can and will change suddenly and unexpectedely. On mountain peaks it is highly likely for individual thunderstorms to occur, and this is impossible to predict.
    Trekking in the rain isn’t necessarily unpleasant, though, even if it might seem scary at first; with all the necessary precautions it can be an unique and suggestive experience.

    8. How to trek with children

    Hiking in contact with nature is great for children too. In this case, as can be expected, one should exercise caution, especially with lively and curious children. A good tip is to prefer spring or summer time, when weather will usually be mild, but you should also pick easy, well shaded trails to avoid fatigue, injuries or heat strokes. You can turn hiking into a game, where children will feel like they are little explorers. This will surely make them prone to repeat the experience and, hopefully,  teach them to love nature and hiking

    9. Where to find adventure companions

    Hikes organised by qualified guides are the best way to begin if you’re alone, since you’re sure to receive good tips on choosing equipment and on picking paths. Hikes organised by local tourist offices are also very useful to get acquainted with other people experienced in trekking. Tourist hikes are often designed to provide knowledge of the area, or sometimes to explore an area: because of this they are usually easy to undertake, but exciting nonetheless.

    10. Tips about blogs or hiking webpages


    Michele’s webpage, “hikeandseek“, will help you to fully immerse in the world of hiking. Following local webpages based on the area you want to go for a hike in will also help: this includes the website of the municipality and that of the local tourist office. One can often find webpages specific to a certain mountain range or area: these can be relied upon to get updated information about trail conditions. Rockslides and areas with high vegetation are also usually reported.

    So, as we have seen, trekking is a sport for everyone, young and old, experts or beginners, enjoyable and, above all, healthy.

    Are you ready to go for a hike with us along Massa Lubrense’s best trails?

    Michele Palomba

    Qualified hike guide and collaborato of Massa Lubrense tourist office

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    Hiking for children: “Merende Itineranti” by Lucia Sessa

    Category:Blog,Featured,Outdoors,Travel Tags : 

    written by Miriam Russo

    Hiking is a very common activity nowadays. It is based on walks along paths surrounded by nature – usually on mountains. The aim is to explore and discover the territory, so as to see and live it even closer.
    Not only is this kind of excursion widespread in Massa Lubrense area, but it is also expanded thanks to projects and events for adults and children. Especially the latter can get in touch with this exciting activity and, at the same time, get to know the territory. For that matter, one of the luckiest projects is “Merende Itineranti“, conceived by Lucia Sessa for the Pro Loco Massa Lubrense, to whom we asked some questions to find out more about hiking for children.

    What is hiking and why is it the ideal activity for everyone

    Hiking is generally the activity of walking, which differs from trekking in terms of times and duration: while trekking (which is also very popular in Massa Lubrense) includes excursions of several days, hiking takes place in one day only. Furthermore, hiking has its main focus on the movement, therefore it is mostly experienced as a sporting activity. Extending it to children, it allows them too to walk and move and to discover the territory at the same time.
    It is ideal for everyone because – thanks to its short duration – it allows the little ones too to move without making too much effort. Moreover, as Lucia Sessa has highlighted, it helps to regain good breathing, which has great and positive consequences on both physical and psychological walkers’ condition.

    Children group of Merende Itineranti

    Hiking rules for kids

    Although it is an activity that makes one free, hiking has its own rules too. They are based mostly on respect towards the surrounding nature and other people. For this reason, children are told to be silent during the walks and/or to stop at some points. This allows them to respect the common pace and to take time to breathe and observe what is around them, too. Another important rule is to follow and listen to the guide who describes interesting details along the road and points out any dangers.

    Kids from the Merende Itineranti project walking and discovering

    “Merende Itineranti” project

    It’s a project born with the aim to create activities specifically for children during summertime. From the beginning, there was a double purpose: physical activity on one hand and discovery of the territory on the other. Over time, thanks to the positive feedback gained, Lucia Sessa and her team were able to diversify their excursion plans. They chose even longer paths which led them to farmhouses where kids were able to be in touch with animals and even learn about the local dairy production. At the very basis of the project, there is always the aim to get children involved, in fact, they carry out different tasks. In some experiences, for example, they have been able to discover particular locations and to see closely how the old crafts are still done nowadays.
    Moreover, when it is time to have a snack, children are offered local biological products, with the purpose of taking care of nutrition too, which is another fundamental rule of hiking.

    Hiking for children: learning and discovery activities in agritourisms provided by the Merende Itineranti project

    First reactions and approaches

    The first reaction to the project was undoubtedly positive and proactive: the children saw in the “Merende” an opportunity for sharing and a way to be together at the end of school. At the same time, their parents too found pleasure in learning about characteristics and features of the place that – in the habit of everyday life – they didn’t even notice. Over time, this has led to a growing will of participation which has made the project successful.

    Activities and games played by the kids of the Merende Itineranti project

    Age ranges for hiking for children

    Hiking really is an activity within everyone’s reach. In fact, the children who participate to the “Merende Itineranti” project are aged from 5 years upwards. In cases of more difficult itineraries, the age group can change, but basically, it is an activity suitable for all ages. There is a careful selection of the paths based on the ideal of maximum inclusiveness. For this reason, the routes proposed are accessible also to participants with disabilities, giving them the opportunity to join the project and benefit from both the hiking and the discovery of the territory. In fact, hiking in the area is practiced by involving all the fractions of Massa Lubrense. Therefore, excursions are organized so as to reach different areas of the place in order to create more collectivity and learning opportunities.

    Hiking for children: group of adults and kids walking

    All these characteristics – and the way Lucia Sessa and the “Merende Itineranti” project carried out the hiking for children activity – make it something unique that everyone, adults and children, should try. Our invitation and advice are to experience what it really means to immerse yourself in nature, to discover and know more about the territory of Massa Lubrense as well as yourself.

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    Carnival of Termini 2020

    Category:Blog,Events,Festivals Tags : 

    The 2020 carnival of Termini (Massa Lubrense): times, dates, parade program and all useful information.

    The Cultural Association Termini non solo Carnevale has organized for this year a Carnival full of music, colors and joy.

    The Carnival in Termini kicks off on Sunday 23 February and until Sunday 1 March Termini will be invaded by the colors of the Carnival masks and parades of allegorical floats for what is one of the most characteristic carnivals of the Sorrento Peninsula.

    The full program of the Carnival in Termini 2020 is on the poster.

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    The Comic Massa Lubrense… what’s the story?!

    Category:Blog,Featured,Pro Loco Tags : 

    Massa Lubrense… what’s the story?!


    Hot off the press the first issue of Massa Lubrense… what’s the story?!, a series of five volumes that leads his readers on a fascinating journey through the myths and history of our land, particularly rich in a past to discover and visit.

    The book series is divided into the following periods:

    1. Prehistory, myths and Greek-Roman period
    2. Middle Ages and Christianization
    3. 1550/1600
    4. 1700/1800
    5. 1900 Contemporary Age

    The volume Prehistory, myths and Greek-Roman period focuses on the arc of time that goes from prehistory – with the earliest human settlements in the peninsula – to the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD. C. – infamous for the destruction of the city of Pompeii.

    Fumetto Massa Lubrense - Ulisse e le sireneProtagonists of the tale and cartoon characters are those – such as the Massa’s mule, winged sirens, Ulysses – that gradually have become part of the imaginary of Massa Lubrense. The story revolves around the events that have marked the evolution of the Sorrentine Peninsula, and highlights the archaeological finds that the time has preserved until today. Special attention is also paid to places visited along our territory, shown in the map of Sorrento at the end of the work.

    Fumetto-Massa-Lubrense-CopertinaThe comic Massa Lubrense… what’s the story?! is available at Pro Loco Massa Lubrense.
    To support the project, we require a small contribution from € 3.00.


    The project was designed by Pro Loco Massa Lubrense and built – in collaboration with the Cultural Association La Fenice and Archeoclub of Massa Lubrense, and with the assistance of the City of Massa Lubrense – on texts by Dominic Palumbo and drawings and graphics by Bemarking.