Tag Archives: Tradition

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Easter traditions in Massa Lubrense

Category:Blog,Festivals,Food,Travel,Travel Tags : 

written by Eleonora Aiello

Among the various religious traditions rooted in the culture of Massa Lubrense, there are certainly some very peculiar ones that make it unique. And it is precisely the case of the traditions of the Easter period. In this article, we will analyze the habits and rituals that most represent this area during Holy Week.


Lent (in Italian “Quaresima”) represents for Catholics a period of penance and fasting in preparation for Easter. This phase of abstinence, in the Roman rite, runs from Ash Wednesday until sunset on Holy Thursday.

Quarantana bambola di Quaresima
“Quarantana”, the doll of Lent

In the Sorrento peninsula there is an ancient custom of preparing “la vecchia” (= “the old woman”), a small doll in black clothes that, in the popular imagination, personifies “Quarantana”, a thin and skimpy old woman. Dressed in a long skirt, black handkerchief on the head, distaff, and spindle in hand, the doll is hung outside the houses. Under her skirt, she has an onion, or a potato, skewered with seven chicken feathers that act as a ritual calendar: one feather is removed every Sunday, while the last one is removed at noon on Holy Saturday.

The palm Sunday

As a first appointment, we must mention that of Palm Sunday, the day in which we remember the triumphal entry into Jerusalem of Jesus, riding a donkey and acclaimed by the crowd who greeted him As a first appointment we must mention that of Palm Sunday, the day in which we remember the triumphal entry into Jerusalem of Jesus, riding a donkey and acclaimed by the crowd who greeted him waving palm branches.

In the territory of Massa Lubrense, the palms are often replaced by olive branches, blessed in a ceremony that takes place in the church, which each faithful will decorate and embellish. Traditionally, these olive branches are adorned with the addition of small caciocavalli, locally produced cheeses, small salamis, and colored sugared almonds.

Palm branches with intertwined leaves are also used. The weaving work must be done a few days before the blessing because the palm leaves dry quickly, thin, and spoil easily. Before proceeding with the weaving, each leaf must be clean or freed from the woody part that covers it, and the leaves that are too pungent must be removed.

Domenica delle palme
Palm with olive branch

The foot-washing ceremony

But the religious rites that most distinguish this area are, without any doubt, those of Holy Thursday and Good Friday. The first recalls the institution of the Eucharist during the Last Supper where Jesus washed the feet of the Twelve Apostles. To commemorate this event, the ceremony of the foot-washing is celebrated during the Mass in Coena Domini, where the priest washes the feet of twelve people representing the twelve apostles. Furthermore, from Thursday evening the church bells will remain “tied”, that is, mute.

The processions

During Holy Week, processions of hooded people walk the streets of the town symbolically representing the passion and death of Jesus. They are distinguished from each other by the color of the garments, the times of exit and the choirs that accompany them. Two processions are held in Massa Lubrense: one starts from Torca, the other from Massa center.

All the itineraries of the processions can be found on the website processioni.com. In addition to Massa Lubrense, the processions also take place in the municipalities of Sorrento, Sant’Agnello, Piano, and Meta. 

Black procession on Good Friday

Easter and Easter Monday

Easter Sunday is announced by the sacred and solemn ringing of the bells which, finally, can be dissolved to ring in “glory”.

The following Easter Monday is called “Pasquetta”: on this day, even if there is often bad weather, families and friends use to have a nice outing with a picnic in nature.

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Typical Easter dishes in Massa Lubrense

Category:Blog,Festivals,Food,Food Tags : 

written by Eleonora Aiello

Massa Lubrense is known not only for its cultural, historical and landscape resources, but also for its gastronomy. In particular, given the imminent arrival of Easter, we will go and see which are the main dishes of the Easter tradition in this area.

Salty “casatiello”

Casatiello, a name that derives from the Latin caseus (= cheese), is one of the savory dishes par excellence of the Easter holidays. Inside we can find a mix of cheeses, lard, cracklings and various cold cuts. All then garnished with unshelled hard-boiled eggs that are woven into the dough as a decoration.

Casatiello guarnito con cubetti di salame, prosciutto, mozzarella e uova sode.

Sweet “casatiello”

It is a recipe that is handed down from family to family, each with its own secrets and procedures.
Compared to the salty casatiello it has a much longer and more elaborate preparation. It has a leavening process that can last for days, thanks to the use of “criscito” which in the Neapolitan dialect is nothing more than the mother yeast, which allows it to be stored for many days without losing its soft consistency.


It is one of the oldest Easter desserts on the peninsula. Its origins date back to pagan cults, prepared to celebrate the arrival of spring. It is a shortcrust pastry pie with a filling made of ricotta, boiled wheat, eggs, spices and candied fruit. The pastry of the pastiera is crunchy, in contrast to its soft gold-colored filling which has a flavor and scent that vary according to the aromas used. The classic version involves the use of cinnamon and orange blossom water, but this does not prevent you from trying different aromas.

Roasted artichokes

They have always been considered the classic side dish of the Easter lunch. To prepare roasted artichokes, you need large, hairless, thornless artichokes with a long, straight stem. They are flavored with oil, garlic and parsley, and then cooked directly on the coals.

Carciofi arrostiti Piatti Pasqua

The handmade Easter egg

The choice of the Easter egg as a symbol of this holiday is linked to the fact that the egg is seen as a symbol of life. All the children are anxiously awaiting the arrival of this day in order to finally be able to break the chocolate eggs and unwrap the surprise. The eggs have been made to celebrate Easter since 1850 and are used only in Italy or in countries where there are large Italian communities.

Today, the Massa Lubrense pastry shops prepare artisan chocolate eggs of all sizes and for all tastes. A gift appreciated not only by children!

Handmade Easter dove cake

It was Dino Villani, advertising director of the Milanese company Motta, who, in the 1930s, invented a dessert similar to panettone, but intended for the Easter holidays. Since then, the Easter dove cake has spread to the tables of all Italians, and even far beyond the borders of Italy. The original dough, based on flour, butter, eggs, sugar and candied orange peel, with a rich almond glaze, has subsequently taken on different shapes and variations.

Piatti del menù di Pasqua

Easter menu with traditional dishes

For those who have no idea what to cook for Easter Sunday lunch, here is a menu to take inspiration from.

  • Appetizer: casatiello, various cold cuts, cheeses and vegetables;
  • First courses: lasagna or baked pasta;
  • Second courses: lamb in the oven or mixed grilled meats with potatoes or vegetables;
  • Desserts: pastiera and chocolate eggs.

These are the typical dishes of an Easter lunch in Massa Lubrense, but nothing prevents you from being able to create a personalized menu based on your preferences.

Buon appetito!

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Presepe Vivente di Monticchio

The living crib in the Monastery of Monticchio

Category:Blog,Events,Festivals Tags : 
In the evocative setting of the Monastery of Monticchio, located in the hills of Massa Lubrense, the Living Crib is celebrated this year. It is a magical event that involves visitors of all ages.

The dates of the event are 26, 27, 29 December and 1, 2, 5, 6 and 7 January, during which the premises of the monastery turn into a real village of ancient Palestine. This living crib offers visitors the opportunity to immerse themselves in the heart of Christian history and experience the enchantment of the birth of Jesus in a unique context.

Fotografie di Maria Rosaria Castellano

The Monastero del Santissimo Rosario di Monticchio, dating back to the eighteenth century, is distinguished by its charming architecture. It represents the perfect environment to host the living crib. The participants carefully wear clothes that recreate the characters of the evangelical history, together with their crafts and their occupations. In the evocative setting of the monastery, shepherds, the Magi, artisans and traders come to life. In this way visitors can live an authentic experience that recalls the daily life of those remote times.

The event is not only an opportunity to rediscover the Christmas tradition, but also an occasion to reflect on the deeper meaning of Christmas. The choice of setting the Living Nativity in the Monastery of Monticchio adds a touch of spirituality to the experience. In fact, the event turns into a moment of contemplation and reflection for the participants.

the living crib

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Struffoli: the origins and recipe

Category:Blog,Food Tags : 

Struffoli are a typical desserts of the Christmas tradition in Massa Lubrense and, more generally, of the southern gastronomic tradition, mainly the Neapolitan one.

Also known as strangolapre(ve)te, struffoli look like small balls of sweet dough fried and then dipped in honey, decorated with colored sugared almonds and citron. A true delight that cannot be missed on Christmas dessert tables.

The origins of this dessert with a typically Neapolitan taste have much further roots. Well yes, according to tradition, it was the ancient Greeks who brought struffoli to the Gulf of Naples. In fact, it is precisely from the Greek that the name of this typical dessert derives, more precisely from the word “strongolus”, i.e. from the rounded shape. Another theory still linked to the etymology of the term would be that “struffolo” derives from the verb to rub to indicate the gesture made by those who work the dough, to roll it into a cylinder before cutting it into balls. According to others, struffoli are called like this because they rub the palate due to their goodness.

In Naples, once upon a time, struffoli were prepared in the convents by the nuns of the various orders and given as gifts for Christmas to noble families who had distinguished themselves for acts of charity. Probably, struffoli have become a typical Christmas dessert because one of the fundamental ingredients is honey, an element closely linked to the Catholic and Christian symbolism regarding love.

Today, struffoli are part of the Campania confectionery tradition, but each central-southern region has its own version. In Calabria and Basilicata they are known as “cicirata” due to their resemblance to chickpeas, in Abruzzo they are called “cicerchiata” because they resemble grass peas and in Palermo they are called “strufoli“. Each southern region prepares them according to its own traditions and recipes handed down from family to family.

The traditional recipe

Ingredients for the dough

  • 200g of sugar
  • 500g of flour
  • 4 eggs
  • 60g of butter
  • 1 orange peel
  • 1 lemon peel
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 15g of anise liqueur
  • 1 tablespoon of cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon of vanilla
  • peanut oil for frying

Ingredients for decorating

  • 175g of wildflower honey
  • silver sprinkles and food decorations
  • 30g of candied citron
  • 30g of candied cherries
  • 30g of candied orange

Preparation of struffoli

Mix the flour, sugar, butter and eggs, the grated lemon and orange, a pinch of salt, the glass of anise, vanilla and cinnamon in a bowl. Knead until you create a compact dough, cover it with a clean cloth and let it rest for at least 30 minutes.

Divide the dough into 6/7 equal parts with a knife and cut into smaller and smaller parts until you obtain the struffoli of the right size. Place the struffoli on a cloth and fry them for 3 minutes in boiling oil and mix to obtain even cooking and browning. Once ready, transfer the struffoli to a tray covered with absorbent paper to remove excess oil. In the meantime, melt the honey in a saucepan.

Cut the cherries, citron and candied orange into cubes. Add everything to the struffoli, pour in the honey and mix well with a wooden ladle until the struffoli are completely wrapped in honey and leave to cool.

Transfer the mixture onto a serving plate and complete the dessert with decorations, sugared almonds and candied fruit. And now, all that remains is to taste the typical Christmas dessert!

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Religious tourism in Massa Lubrense

Category:Blog,Places,Places,Travel Tags : 

di Eleonora Aiello

Intervista a Romina Amitrano

Cosa si intende per turismo religioso?

Il turismo religioso rientra nella categoria di turismo culturale ed è una forma di turismo che riguarda luoghi famosi dal punto di vista religioso e culturale.

Anche culturale perché la maggior parte dei monumenti religiosi in Italia ha al suo interno meravigliose opere d’arte.

Che differenza c’è tra turismo religioso e pellegrinaggio?

Il pellegrinaggio differisce dal turismo religioso perché la sua motivazione principale è la fede; si parte per una ricerca spirituale, una sorta di meditazione, di penitenza o di voto.

Il pellegrinaggio medievale è la prima forma di turismo e comprendeva lunghi cammini, come ad esempio il Cammino di Santiago o la Via Francigena che dalla Francia conduce a Roma. Lungo tali percorsi, gli enti religiosi davano la possibilità ai pellegrini di riposare all’interno dei monasteri o conventi, a patto che questi ultimi fossero riconoscibili. Chi faceva il cammino di Santiago indossava una collana con un guscio di capasanta che fungeva da cucchiaio, un bastone e un cappello largo che lo proteggeva dalla pioggia e dal sole.

Il pellegrinaggio è qualcosa che parte dalla fede, dalla meditazione e non guarda alla bellezza del posto, a differenza del turismo religioso.

Turismo religioso a Massa Lubrense

Quali sono le principali attrattive turistiche religiose a Massa Lubrense?

A Massa Lubrense, con il progetto Museo Diffuso, abbiamo creato dei percorsi da fare sia a piedi sia utilizzando i mezzi pubblici o la propria auto. Chi viene a Massa Lubrense ed è appassionato di camminate, può intraprendere questi itinerari liberamente e in autonomia grazie a mappe interattive.

I punti più importanti da visitare a Massa Lubrense sono:

  • Ex Cattedrale Santa Maria delle Grazie: è situata nel cuore della panoramica piazza di Massa Centro. Costruita nel 1512, è stata sede vescovile fino al 1818, quando la diocesi venne incorporata all’Arcidiocesi di Sorrento. L’attuale struttura dell’edificio e dell’annesso palazzo vescovile è settecentesca e presenta all’interno un bellissimo pavimento maiolicato, opera del maestro reggiolaro napoletano Ignazio Chiaiese. L’antica cattedrale conserva una reliquia di San Cataldo, il santo patrono di Massa Lubrense.
  • Santuario dedicato alla Madonna della Lobra: edificato nel 1564, sorge su una panoramica piazzetta che sovrasta il caratteristico borgo marinaro di Marina della Lobra. A destra dell’ingresso del santuario si trova il convento dei Francescani d’Assisi. Qui è possibile ammirare il caratteristico chiostro e un bellissimo pavimento maiolicato all’interno del refettorio. Sull’Altare Maggiore è custodito un affresco raffigurante l’immagine della Madonna della Lobra, precedentemente situato all’interno dell’antica cattedrale lubrense che sorgeva nei pressi del porto, nell’area chiamata Fontanelle. Grande è sempre stata la devozione del popolo massese verso la Madonna della Lobra; la sua immagine, infatti, la troviamo raffigurata all’interno dello stemma comunale.
  • Chiesa di Monticchio e Monastero del Santissimo Rosario: il complesso sorge nell’area sottostante l’attuale piazza della piccolo borgo di Monticchio. La sua costruzione, fortemente voluta da Suor Cristina Olivieri, risale al 1723. All’interno del convento è possibile ammirare un autentico capolavoro realizzato con maioliche settecentesche. Si tratta di tre panelli posizionati verticalmente lungo le pareti del chiostro e realizzati dal famoso maestro reggiolaro Ignazio Chiaiese. Dello stesso autore è il pavimento dell’adiacente chiesa ancora ben conservato e sul quale si possono ammirare meravigliose rappresentazioni di fiori e frutti.
  • Chiesa e Convento di San Francesco di Paola: il complesso fu fondato grazie al volere della famiglia Liparulo nel 1582, nel sito dove sorgeva un’antica cappella intitolata ai Santi Processo e Martiniano. Il pavimento della chiesa e della sagrestia sono decorati con maioliche settecentesche e il campanile è formato da un’antica torre di difesa inglobata all’interno della struttura.
  • Monastero di San Paolo: la sua costruzione risale al 1679. Attualmente vi sono ospitate le Suore Benedettine di San Paolo. Bellissimo è il panorama che si può godere dalla pineta antistante l’edificio e dal belvedere del monastero.
  • Cappella di San Sebastiano: è situata nella piccola frazione di Pastena e sorge nei pressi di un ricco corso d’acqua che prende origine dalla vicina collina del Deserto. Fu edificata nel XV secolo in occasione di una pestilenza e restaurata nel 1656 a seguito di un’epidemia di peste.
  • Cappella di Santa Maria a Tentarano: è una piccola cappella situata lungo il fianco della collina del Deserto che lentamente degrada verso la frazione di Acquara. La costruzione risale al XV secolo, a opera della famiglia Aprea, e l’origine del termine “Tentarano” è ancora oggi ignota. La cappella in pietra e dalla cupola a volta custodisce sul piccolo altare un bellissimo affresco raffigurante la Vergine allattante.
  • Cappella di San Costanzo: fondata nella seconda metà del 1500, sorge sulla panoramica cima dell’omonimo monte. Si può raggiungere la piccola chiesa a piedi o in auto dalla frazione di Termini ed è possibile visitarne l’interno in occasione delle celebrazioni religiose dedicate al Santo. In particolare, il 14 maggio e nel mese di luglio, quando si svolgono le tradizionali processioni. In queste occasioni, i fedeli conducono la statua di San Costanzo dalla chiesa parrocchiale di Termini alla bianca cappella sul monte.

Qual è il periodo più adatto per il turismo religioso nel nostro territorio?

Il turismo religioso è una tipologia di turismo che a Massa Lubrense può essere vissuto durante tutto l’anno. Il periodo che va dalla primavera all’autunno è maggiormente indicato per coloro che amano unire all’aspetto spirituale anche quello legato alle tradizioni locali, spesso strettamente connesse ai culti religiosi. Un esempio è la festa che si tiene a Marina del Cantone il 13 giugno, giorno dedicato a Sant’Antonio. I fedeli portano la statua del Santo in processione via mare e al termine si svolge una bellissima festa sulla spiaggia con musica e assaggi di prodotti della tradizione gastronomica locale.

Romina Amitrano

Insegnante e guida escursionistica. Con la Pro Loco Massa Lubrense, svolge progetti scolastici nelle scuole del territorio.

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Myrtle liqueur: between history and production

Category:Blog,Food Tags : 

Myrtle liqueur is a digestive obtained from the maceration of ripe myrtle berries. It is popular in various areas of Italy, being the myrtle plant (Myrtus communis) typical of the Mediterranean maquis.

In Massa Lubrense, the plant is present along the slopes most exposed to the sun, where it grows from sea level up to an altitude of 500 meters above sea level. It is possible to find it, for example, on the sides of the path that leads to the Bay of Ieranto or along the Sentiero delle Sirenuse.

This digestive liquor is a tradition rooted in Massa Lubrense and is produced both in local homes and in specialized distilleries present in the area. It is loved not only for its unique flavor, but also for its historical connection to the culture and tradition of this region.

Homemade production often involves recipes passed down from generation to generation, while commercial distilleries prepare it on a larger scale, helping to spread its distinctive taste throughout the territory.

The myrtle plant

Scientifically called Myrtus communis, the myrtle plant belongs to the Myrtaceae family and has intense green leaves that give off pleasant smells. It is an evergreen shrub typical of the Mediterranean scrub, which prefers a mild climate. But it can also resist the frosts, if protected and sheltered from the bad weather.

Solitary and elegant, the flowers are simple and white in colour. According to phenology, the plant flourishes between the months of May and June and bears fruit around October and November for the harvest of its berries.

liquore di mirto
Myrtle flower

The origins

Its origins are very ancient and shrouded in mystery. Traces of myrtle plant already appear in ancient Egyptian and Arab written documents. It is said that the ancient Egyptians decorated their cities with myrtle branches during the holidays, attributing to the plant a divine power capable of warding off evil spirits, catastrophes and diseases.

Furthermore, it was also the sacred plant of Aphrodite. In the myth, the plant protected Aphrodite’s virtues from the malicious gaze of satyrs. Therefore, it is considered a plant that represents love, fertility and eros and was used, in fact, as an aphrodisiac remedy or to adorn wedding banquets.

The Harvest

Harvest period begins in November, when the berries are maturing, and extends until January. According to the artisan myrtle producers, however, the best period for harvesting is the month of December, when the berries are neither too raw nor too cooked. The secret to understanding whether the berries can be harvested is revealed to us by the presence of the bloom. A substance produced by the fruits themselves on their surface which makes the myrtle berry an opaque blue color and which gives the fruit an intense and strong flavou

The myrtle picking takes place almost exclusively by hand. Although this type of harvesting affects speed, it is preferable due to its minimal impact on the plant and the ability to preserve all the characteristics of the berries intact.

Once picked, fresh berries must be immediately processed for the production of the liqueur.

Freshly picked myrtle berries

The recipe

Myrtle liqueur’s preparation is long but simple at the same time.

Ingredients (for 2 litres):

  • 1 l of water
  • 500 g myrtle berries
  • 500 g granulated sugar
  • 1 l of pure alcohol (90°)


Take the myrtle berries, wash them under running water and place them in a strainer to eliminate impurities. Leave a few small leaves if you want.

Once washed, leave to dry for 2 or 3 days on some clean cloths. At this point, place the myrtle berries together with the alcohol in a glass container with hermetic closure, essential for maintaining aromas and perfumes intact. Store the container in a dark, cool place for approximately 40-50 days.

After the resting time, drain the berries.Using a clean cloth, squeeze the berries gently to extract the juice.

In the meantime, boil the water on the stove and when it has almost reached boiling temperature, begin to slowly dissolve the sugar. Once the syrup composed of water and sugar has cooled completely, add the alcohol flavored with myrtle berries and mix the resulting liqueur with a wooden spoon. Using a strainer, filter the liqueur and then, using a funnel, transfer it into the glass bottles.

Before tasting the myrtle liqueur, it must rest in a cool place for at least a month. Then all that remains is to sip the excellent digestive with its typically Mediterranean aroma at room temperature.

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The typical sweets of Capri

Category:Blog,Food Tags : 

The island of Capri, known for its beautiful coastline, the faraglioni (stacks) and many attractions such as the Grotta Azzurra, is the land of Caprese cake.
There is a story that tells that this cake was born from the mistake of a baker who forgot to put the flour in the dough. The result was so surprising that it continued to be prepared only with almonds, sugar, butter and eggs, without flour and yeast. It is, therefore, a soft and fragrant sweet perfect for celiacs and lactose intolerant.

There are various versions: classic with bitter chocolate, lemon, almonds and limoncello or pistachio and white chocolate, as well as many others. It can be enjoyed at room temperature or warm and can be accompanied by whipped cream, ice cream or seasonal fruit.

Besides Caprese cake, ice cream is another symbol of the island.

Ice cream, one of the typical desserts of Capri pastry

Ice cream

In several bars or pastry shops you can find excellent ones, made with fresh and top-quality ingredients. Even the crunchy waffle is handmade and is often still served hot in the shape of a cone or cup.

You can also enjoy it in the “tulip” version, that is enriched with whipped cream and a ganache of melted chocolate. In addition, you can also find cups to customize with hazelnuts, colored confetti and creams, enjoying them just sitting at the tables of places that have made the history of the place.

Biscuits and dry pastries

Other sweets born in the shadow of the faraglioni (stacks) are the goats. These are fragrant and soft biscuits with almond and lemon paste that are prepared with only egg whites and are gluten-free. The original recipe is secret, but it is known to all that these cookies are made by combining almonds with two wonderful typical products: the local lemons and limoncello liqueur, which characterize this icon of tastiness.

Do not forget, then, the ricci capresi, made with pine nuts and chocolate in the double version “black” and “white”. Moreover there is the pistachio cannolo, dry pastry and biscuits. Moreover there is the brioche “with tuppo” with cream, graffe (staples) and Kranz, both with sultanas and chocolate chips.

The staples, an exquisite yeast cake typical of Neapolitan cuisine

It is clear the enormous richness of flavors and scents that the Neapolitan pastry offers in its island declination, which we invite you to enjoy, choosing what appeals to you in the places that have contributed to writing the culinary history of Capri.

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The recipe of the babà

Category:Blog,Food Tags : 

The babà is a very soft yeast cake, wet with rum and mushroom-shaped. It is a typical product of traditional Neapolitan pastry.

Originally it was a natural leavening cake from Poland and other Slavic countries, then it was perfected by French cooks before arriving in Naples. It is said that the recipe for rum babà in the typical modern mushroom form dates back to 1835 and is attributed to the famous pastry chef Nicolas Stohrer, who would have invented it on the occasion of the wedding of Maria Leszczyńska with the king of France Louis XV.

Another story tells that the king, known for his ugly character, had thrown the cake against a cupboard crushing a bottle of rum, which ended up soaking the cake and that his father-in-law tasted it and thought it was excellent.

The babà has fully entered the tradition of Neapolitan pastry both in the form of donut served with whipped cream, both smaller with custard and black cherry, or oblong mushroom-shaped of various sizes. It can be filled with cream and fruit salad, chantilly cream and strawberries, mascarpone and limoncello cream, hazelnut cream, citrus cream, with pistachio and fresh raspberries. Even were also made savory versions very tasty with meats and cheeses such as provolone, scamorza, Gruviera or pecorino.

Cream babà with berries

In short, there are endless reinterpretations of this timeless sweet symbol of Italian culinary culture, but especially Neapolitan. Below we propose the indications to replicate at home the traditional version.

Recipe of the babà

Ingredients for the babàs

  • 125 g flour
  • 50 g butter
  • 2 whole eggs (large)
  • 1 yolk
  • 15 g milk
  • 15 g sugar
  • 15 g brewer’s yeast
  • a pinch of salt

For the syrup:

  • 500 g water
  • 250 g sugar
  • 250 g rum
  • 1 lemon
  1. To start preparing babas with rum, briefly mix flour and yeast in the stand mixer with the hook, or by hand. Add milk, eggs and yolk, previously mixed and work for a few minutes until smooth. To avoid lumps, add the egg and milk mixture while the mixer is running or, if you are working by hand, keep mixing. Add sugar and mix. Finally add salt and butter, softened at room temperature. The dough should be soft, almost liquid.
  2. Then put the dough in a sac à poche. Pour it, then, into the molds, and fill up to about 1 cm from the edge. Leave to rise for about 30 minutes at 30 ºC in the oven. Turn off the light.
  3. Bake at 180 ºC in a ventilated oven preheated for about 13 minutes. The babas will be ready when they can be easily removed from the mould. You can cut the bottom of a babà and check the alveolature of the dough. Unmold and let cool very well.

The syrup

  1. To prepare the cake syrup: in a saucepan heat water, sugar and lemon peel. Boil it and then filter. Add rum. Put the syrup in a bowl and, when it is still warm, completely immerse the babas for a few moments. Drain on a cake rack.
  2. Put them in the fridge for 1 hour before serving to enjoy them. Rum babas, before being wet, can be stored in the refrigerator for about a week or in the freezer, until the evening before use, tightly closed in a food bag.

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Festivals: an opportunity to get to know the area

Category:Blog,Featured,Festivals,Food Tags : 

written by Claudia Fontana

Festivals are popular local celebrations that generally arise from a religious festivity, often to commemorate a saint. They are generally animated by music, fun activities and excellent cuisine. In Massa Lubrense there are several festivals throughout the year: here you can taste the best products of our land.

Zucchini Festival

It takes place on the second Sunday of July in the village of Acquara to celebrate the patron saint St. Vito. The day of St. Vito is actually celebrated on June 15th, but it is customary to carry out the festival in July. The most important moment is certainly the procession that passes through the whole village. Among the delicious foods that you can eat, there are many zucchini-based dishes such as the famous parmigiana and spaghetti alla Nerano.

Lemon Festival

Among the most famous festivals in the area there is certainly the lemon festival. It is held in July and is dedicated to one of the typical products of our land: lemon. You can taste various dishes and lemon-based specialties such as sorbet and risotto and you can also try the famous limoncello.

Snail Festival

Also very famous is the snail festival held on June 29th in Monticchio. The festival takes place on the occasion of the feast of St. Peter. There is, at first, a long procession followed by the Massa Lubrense music band. Then during the festival, in addition to pleasant musical performances and various activities for the youngest, you can taste the delicious snails.

Potato Festival

It takes place in the village of Termini to celebrate San Costanzo. It is held in July and usually lasts for a weekend. The main product is the potato, which is the basis of all dishes, from the starter to the dessert. Among the specialties are croquette, potato ravioli and Neapolitan staples.

Tomato festival

It takes place on the first Sunday of August in the village of Torca to celebrate the patron saint, St. Anna. As for the zucchini festival, also in this case the feast of the saint is actually on a different day, that is, July 26th. The tomato can be tasted in many traditional and non-traditional recipes, all accompanied by music and fun.

Fiordilatte Festival

On the occasion of the patronal feast of St. Salvatore, on August 6th, the Fiordilatte Festival is held in the village of Schiazzano. Fiordilatte is one of the typical cheeses of Massa Lubrense but you can also taste the famous provolone del monaco and a great variety of local dairy products.

Eggplant Festival

The festival is held on August 15th in the village of Marina della Lobra to celebrate the feast of the Madonna dell’Assunta. For the religious anniversary, a procession takes place by sea to the rock of Vervece. Afterwards, in the evening, you can enjoy various eggplant-based dishes, including the famous chocolate eggplants.

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Liqueurs of Massa Lubrense

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Le località della Penisola Sorrentina sono famose per la produzione di liquori. Usufruendo dei prodotti locali, si ottengo distillati dal gusto inconfondibile.

Il limoncello

Tra i liquori di Massa Lubrense è impossibile non citare il Limoncello. La spessa buccia dei limoni locali, ricca di oli essenziali e dall’aroma molto deciso, è l’ingrediente principale della produzione.
Si tratta del liquore simbolo della costiera sorrentina, nato agli inizi del 1900 e amato in tutto il mondo.

La preparazione secondo la tradizione inizia con il lavaggio del frutto. In una brocca vengono poi inserite le scorze insieme all’alcol alimentare e il tutto viene lasciato in macerazione per circa un mese. Successivamente, al composto viene aggiunta dell’acqua precedentemente portata a ebollizione con lo zucchero e poi fatta raffreddare, insieme a dell’altro alcol. Il tutto viene fatto riposare per altri 40 giorni. L’infuso viene poi filtrato e sistemato in delle bottiglie.

In Campania questo liquore è solitamente gustato come digestivo dopo pranzo o dopo cena. È utilizzato per la preparazione di dolci come il babà o la delizia al limone, un soffice pan di spagna bagnato al limoncello, farcito con crema pasticcera aromatizzata e decorato con ciuffetti di panna e scorza di limone. Un dessert dal sapore unico.
Nel periodo estivo viene utilizzato anche per arricchire gelati o granite.

Molto comune è anche la Crema di Limoncello. Differenza rispetto al classico liquore è l’uso del latte al posto dell’acqua. In questo modo il gusto sarà più dolce, dalla consistenza cremosa. Ottimo da gustare da solo, ancor di più da accompagnare ai dolci.

Liquore alle noci

Noci di Sorrento

Anche le noci di Sorrento sono tra i prodotti tipici della zona. Secondo la tradizione vanno raccolte il 24 giugno, nel giorno di San Giovanni, e ancora acerbe vanno utilizzate per la macerazione. Il liquore – chiamato nocillo o nocino – acquisisce un colore marrone scuro con riflessi tendenti al nero e un profumo intenso e persistente. L’invecchiamento ne esalta il gusto amaro, apprezzabile al meglio quando servito a temperatura ambiente.

Il mirto

Liquore al mirto

Il mirto è un pianta che cresce spontaneamente nell’area mediterranea. Il liquore è prodotto dalle sue bacche mature, in macerazione per circa 40 giorni. Appena preparato, in genere ha una colorazione molto scura, tendente al nero con riflessi violacei, e un gusto astringente. Dopo diversi mesi vira al rosso rubino, il gusto è più armonico e vellutato. Si tratta di un ottimo digestivo da gustare freddo.

Liquore di mela annurca

L’annurca è una varietà di mela con marchio I.G.P. che cresce su tutto il territorio campano. È un frutto molto amato, ricco di vitamine e minerali, dalle note proprietà benefiche. Raccolta ancora acerba, termina la sua maturazione al sole, assumendo il caratteristico colore rosso e un sapore che la rende unica. Utilizzando i semi se ne produce un liquore aromatizzato, dal gusto fruttato e molto delicato. Altre versioni della ricetta oltre i semi prevedono anche l’uso delle bucce. Il tutto viene lasciato macerare per circa un mese e mezzo. Il liquore assume poi un colore tenue, tendente al rosso. Solitamente è consumato a fine pasto, ma può essere utilizzato anche per la preparazione di dolci, ad esempio come bagna.

Liquori alle erbe

A Massa Lubrense viene prodotta una grande varietà di liquori alle erbe. Ne è un esempio il liquore al finocchietto, perfetto digestivo fresco. Per la produzione si utilizzano prevalentemente i semi della pianta, oltre che le foglie. Viene servito a temperatura ambiente.

Il liquore alla liquirizia, dal colore nero intenso, ha invece un gusto più deciso e una consistenza più densa e cremosa. L’ingrediente principale è la radice della pianta. Da non perdere se siete amanti del suo caratteristico sapore!

Il profumo delle erbe mediterranee è concentrato nel liquore alle dodici erbe. Tra queste menta, basilico, alloro, rosmarino, ginepro, camomilla, foglie di tè, chiodi di garofano. Liquore dal gusto aromatico, è indubbiamente un ottimo digestivo.

Liquore all’arancia e al mandarino

Oltre al classico limoncello, nella zona si produce anche un liquore a base di arancia. Quest’ultima, come il limone, ha una buccia spessa e molto profumata, in contrasto con la polpa leggermente acre. Ne viene fuori un prodotto dal sapore inconfondibile.
Il liquore al mandarino della penisola sorrentina, prodotto sempre per macerazione delle sue bucce, ha un gusto dolce e più delicato.


Nel territorio si trovano anche le classiche grappe, come la barricata, dal colore ambrato, o la grappa di Barbera. Le bacche utilizzate per le produzioni provengono dai vitigni del Piemonte.

Questi distillati, oltre a essere gustabili sul luogo, sono un perfetto souvenir da portare a casa o regalare!