Category Archives: Festivals

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Easter traditions in Massa Lubrense

Category:Blog,Festivals,Food,Travel,Travel Tags : 

written by Eleonora Aiello

Among the various religious traditions rooted in the culture of Massa Lubrense, there are certainly some very peculiar ones that make it unique. And it is precisely the case of the traditions of the Easter period. In this article, we will analyze the habits and rituals that most represent this area during Holy Week.


Lent (in Italian “Quaresima”) represents for Catholics a period of penance and fasting in preparation for Easter. This phase of abstinence, in the Roman rite, runs from Ash Wednesday until sunset on Holy Thursday.

Quarantana bambola di Quaresima
“Quarantana”, the doll of Lent

In the Sorrento peninsula there is an ancient custom of preparing “la vecchia” (= “the old woman”), a small doll in black clothes that, in the popular imagination, personifies “Quarantana”, a thin and skimpy old woman. Dressed in a long skirt, black handkerchief on the head, distaff, and spindle in hand, the doll is hung outside the houses. Under her skirt, she has an onion, or a potato, skewered with seven chicken feathers that act as a ritual calendar: one feather is removed every Sunday, while the last one is removed at noon on Holy Saturday.

The palm Sunday

As a first appointment, we must mention that of Palm Sunday, the day in which we remember the triumphal entry into Jerusalem of Jesus, riding a donkey and acclaimed by the crowd who greeted him As a first appointment we must mention that of Palm Sunday, the day in which we remember the triumphal entry into Jerusalem of Jesus, riding a donkey and acclaimed by the crowd who greeted him waving palm branches.

In the territory of Massa Lubrense, the palms are often replaced by olive branches, blessed in a ceremony that takes place in the church, which each faithful will decorate and embellish. Traditionally, these olive branches are adorned with the addition of small caciocavalli, locally produced cheeses, small salamis, and colored sugared almonds.

Palm branches with intertwined leaves are also used. The weaving work must be done a few days before the blessing because the palm leaves dry quickly, thin, and spoil easily. Before proceeding with the weaving, each leaf must be clean or freed from the woody part that covers it, and the leaves that are too pungent must be removed.

Domenica delle palme
Palm with olive branch

The foot-washing ceremony

But the religious rites that most distinguish this area are, without any doubt, those of Holy Thursday and Good Friday. The first recalls the institution of the Eucharist during the Last Supper where Jesus washed the feet of the Twelve Apostles. To commemorate this event, the ceremony of the foot-washing is celebrated during the Mass in Coena Domini, where the priest washes the feet of twelve people representing the twelve apostles. Furthermore, from Thursday evening the church bells will remain “tied”, that is, mute.

The processions

During Holy Week, processions of hooded people walk the streets of the town symbolically representing the passion and death of Jesus. They are distinguished from each other by the color of the garments, the times of exit and the choirs that accompany them. Two processions are held in Massa Lubrense: one starts from Torca, the other from Massa center.

All the itineraries of the processions can be found on the website In addition to Massa Lubrense, the processions also take place in the municipalities of Sorrento, Sant’Agnello, Piano, and Meta. 

Black procession on Good Friday

Easter and Easter Monday

Easter Sunday is announced by the sacred and solemn ringing of the bells which, finally, can be dissolved to ring in “glory”.

The following Easter Monday is called “Pasquetta”: on this day, even if there is often bad weather, families and friends use to have a nice outing with a picnic in nature.

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Typical Easter dishes in Massa Lubrense

Category:Blog,Festivals,Food,Food Tags : 

written by Eleonora Aiello

Massa Lubrense is known not only for its cultural, historical and landscape resources, but also for its gastronomy. In particular, given the imminent arrival of Easter, we will go and see which are the main dishes of the Easter tradition in this area.

Salty “casatiello”

Casatiello, a name that derives from the Latin caseus (= cheese), is one of the savory dishes par excellence of the Easter holidays. Inside we can find a mix of cheeses, lard, cracklings and various cold cuts. All then garnished with unshelled hard-boiled eggs that are woven into the dough as a decoration.

Casatiello guarnito con cubetti di salame, prosciutto, mozzarella e uova sode.

Sweet “casatiello”

It is a recipe that is handed down from family to family, each with its own secrets and procedures.
Compared to the salty casatiello it has a much longer and more elaborate preparation. It has a leavening process that can last for days, thanks to the use of “criscito” which in the Neapolitan dialect is nothing more than the mother yeast, which allows it to be stored for many days without losing its soft consistency.


It is one of the oldest Easter desserts on the peninsula. Its origins date back to pagan cults, prepared to celebrate the arrival of spring. It is a shortcrust pastry pie with a filling made of ricotta, boiled wheat, eggs, spices and candied fruit. The pastry of the pastiera is crunchy, in contrast to its soft gold-colored filling which has a flavor and scent that vary according to the aromas used. The classic version involves the use of cinnamon and orange blossom water, but this does not prevent you from trying different aromas.

Roasted artichokes

They have always been considered the classic side dish of the Easter lunch. To prepare roasted artichokes, you need large, hairless, thornless artichokes with a long, straight stem. They are flavored with oil, garlic and parsley, and then cooked directly on the coals.

Carciofi arrostiti Piatti Pasqua

The handmade Easter egg

The choice of the Easter egg as a symbol of this holiday is linked to the fact that the egg is seen as a symbol of life. All the children are anxiously awaiting the arrival of this day in order to finally be able to break the chocolate eggs and unwrap the surprise. The eggs have been made to celebrate Easter since 1850 and are used only in Italy or in countries where there are large Italian communities.

Today, the Massa Lubrense pastry shops prepare artisan chocolate eggs of all sizes and for all tastes. A gift appreciated not only by children!

Handmade Easter dove cake

It was Dino Villani, advertising director of the Milanese company Motta, who, in the 1930s, invented a dessert similar to panettone, but intended for the Easter holidays. Since then, the Easter dove cake has spread to the tables of all Italians, and even far beyond the borders of Italy. The original dough, based on flour, butter, eggs, sugar and candied orange peel, with a rich almond glaze, has subsequently taken on different shapes and variations.

Piatti del menù di Pasqua

Easter menu with traditional dishes

For those who have no idea what to cook for Easter Sunday lunch, here is a menu to take inspiration from.

  • Appetizer: casatiello, various cold cuts, cheeses and vegetables;
  • First courses: lasagna or baked pasta;
  • Second courses: lamb in the oven or mixed grilled meats with potatoes or vegetables;
  • Desserts: pastiera and chocolate eggs.

These are the typical dishes of an Easter lunch in Massa Lubrense, but nothing prevents you from being able to create a personalized menu based on your preferences.

Buon appetito!

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Presepe Vivente di Monticchio

The living crib in the Monastery of Monticchio

Category:Blog,Events,Festivals Tags : 
In the evocative setting of the Monastery of Monticchio, located in the hills of Massa Lubrense, the Living Crib is celebrated this year. It is a magical event that involves visitors of all ages.

The dates of the event are 26, 27, 29 December and 1, 2, 5, 6 and 7 January, during which the premises of the monastery turn into a real village of ancient Palestine. This living crib offers visitors the opportunity to immerse themselves in the heart of Christian history and experience the enchantment of the birth of Jesus in a unique context.

Fotografie di Maria Rosaria Castellano

The Monastero del Santissimo Rosario di Monticchio, dating back to the eighteenth century, is distinguished by its charming architecture. It represents the perfect environment to host the living crib. The participants carefully wear clothes that recreate the characters of the evangelical history, together with their crafts and their occupations. In the evocative setting of the monastery, shepherds, the Magi, artisans and traders come to life. In this way visitors can live an authentic experience that recalls the daily life of those remote times.

The event is not only an opportunity to rediscover the Christmas tradition, but also an occasion to reflect on the deeper meaning of Christmas. The choice of setting the Living Nativity in the Monastery of Monticchio adds a touch of spirituality to the experience. In fact, the event turns into a moment of contemplation and reflection for the participants.

the living crib

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The Magic Christmas Book: an enchanting afternoon for all children

Category:Blog,Events,Festivals,Pro Loco Tags : 

When: 28 December 2023, 4 pm
Where: Giardinetti di Massa Centro

The Magic Christmas Book: an extraordinary event is about to turn the afternoon of December 28 into an unforgettable experience. We invite all children to participate in a magical day of animated readings, creative workshops and a tasty Christmas snack.

The Magic Book of Christmas with “Barattoli Cosmici”

The stage will come alive with the show “The Magic Book of Christmas” brought to life by Storto and Diritto, two salesmen of Santa Claus. These bungling storytellers will guide us through an enchanted world, full of packages and boxes each containing a dream, a memory or a wish destined for children in every corner of the Earth. With the talented actors of “Barattoli Cosmici” and the narrative technique of the overhead projector, children will be transported into a fun and engaging story.

Creative Christmas Workshop

After the show, the little artists will have the opportunity to explore their creativity at the Christmas Workshop. With a wide range of colorful and festive materials available, children can create unique Christmas decorations and special gifts. They will be guided by experienced “elves” who help them to bring their ideas to life, promoting collaboration and sharing of ideas among participants.

Christmas snack

The day will end with a delicious Christmas snack, enriched by the enveloping fragrance of hot chocolate. Children can share their experiences and artistic creations while enjoying Christmas sweets.

The event is open to all children and it is completely free. Join us for an afternoon of magic, creativity and celebration. You will create special memories that will last forever. We look forward to sharing the enchantment of Christmas with you and your families!

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The lemon tasting itinerary of the Limoni in festa 2023

Category:Blog,Events,Festivals,Food,Pro Loco Tags : 

On 8 and 9 July in Massa Lubrense, on the occasion of the Limoni in Festa 2023, it will be held an interesting tasting itinerary with a lemon menu to taste in the streets of Massa Centro.

Poster of the Limoni in festa 2023 in Massa Lubrense, where there will be shows, walks and the lemon tasting itinerary

To participate in the tasting itinerary you can buy tickets in a stand located opposite the headquarters of the Pro Loco in Massa Lubrense. The ticket costs 15 euros and can be used on both days, Saturday 8 July and Sunday 9 July. Tickets sales will start at 18:30 and will end at 22:00 and they can be used from 19:00 to 22:30.

The tickets will consist of 11 detachable coupons, each coupon for a different tasting. To receive the corresponding tasting, you will need to go to the shops indicated along the tasting itinerary.

How the tasting itinerary takes place

The tasting itinerary takes place in this way:

  • Restaurant Il Cantuccio – lemon caciottina;
  • Grace Kitchen Bar – lemon arancini;
  • La Terra delle Sirene – glass of wine;
  • La Terra delle Sirene – lemon cheese;
  • Butcher Aniello Bread – lemon balls;
  • Restaurant La Primavera – lemon risotto;
  • Pizzeria Pulecenella – lemon pizza;
  • Sport Bar – limoncello;
  • Millevoglie Bar – delizia al limone;
  • Di Sarno Bar – lemon ice cream;
  • Ladies Bar – lemon granita.
The delizia al limone in the lemon tasting itinerary

Participating in the tasting itinerary with the lemon menu, you will have the opportunity to walk through the whole center of Massa. Along the way, you can see craft markets and local products and the town’s hotspots where the exhibitions are set up, becoming completely immersed in the festive atmosphere of the event.

The exhibitions in the streets of the city center will be:

  • Ceramics of the Castle: exhibition of ceramic works;
  • RecuperArte: solo exhibition of the artist Giovanni Parlato;
  • Palazzo Vespoli: “Craftsmanship is Art” by UniTre;
  • Boutique La Terra delle Sirene: special offer for the “Mermaidland tour”.
Ceramic works with lemon theme

This event is part of “Omaggio alla bellezza”, a series of summer events promoted by the municipal administration of Massa Lubrense.

The entertainment

Also there will be entertainment; both evenings will be enlivened by the performances of great artists like Foja, the Italian folk-rock band born in Naples that will perform in the concert “Miracoli e Rivoluzioni” on July 8 at 21.00, blending traditional Neapolitan sounds with contemporary influences and Paolo Caiazzo, the comedian who on July 9 at 21.00 will perform in the show “Eppure sorrido” in which he will propose hilarious sketches and monologues.

The artists of the Limoni in festa 2023, the group Foja and the comedian Paolo Caiazzo

For more information just look at the program of both evenings of an event that will satisfy not only the view with themed installations, the craft market and the typical products, but also the ears and the palate with an explosion of taste, local culture and tradition thanks to the lemon tasting itinerary.

In conclusion we wait for you in Massa Lubrense to celebrate together this citrus and its beneficial properties, its color and fragrance, that are part of the precious heritage of the Sorrento peninsula.

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The shows of the Limoni in festa 2023

Category:Blog,Events,Festivals,Food,Places,Pro Loco Tags : 

To cheer the 47th edition of the now traditional Limoni in festa this year there will be the Neapolitan musical group Foja and the comedian Paolo Caiazzo.

At Largo Vescovado Saturday, July 8, in addition to the opening of the stands of typical specialties, local crafts and a tasting path whose protagonist is the lemon, to animate the night there will be Foja.

The Italian folk-rock band born in Naples will perform in the concert “Miracles and Revolutions”, their fourth album.

The collaborations and successes of the band

They collaborated with Clementino, Enzo Gragnaniello, Lorenzo Hengeller, Alejandro Romero, Davide Toffolo and Alessio Sollo.

Twelve years of music, three albums, live and performance of all kinds; we remember their famous review of “Yes I Know My Way” by Pino Daniele on the occasion of the award ceremony to the “God of Naples” Maradona.

Their music is made of tradition, rock and songwriting, aiming at language mergers and Latin sounds, but never forget the Neapolitan tradition.

So “Miracoli e Rivoluzioni” is a concert/show with two acts in which the Foja deal with issues related to the sentimental sphere and existential and social issues mixing tradition and musical modernity.

They have traveled around Italy for years treading prestigious stages always sold-out as that of the Royal Theatre of Saint Charles, the Arena Flegrea.

The group also performed in the courtyard of the Royal Palace of Capodimonte, the Royal Palace and Castel Sant’Elmo in Naples in front of an audience of over six thousand people.

They got the nomination for the best original song both to David di Donatello and Nastri d’Argento.

So do not miss their performance that will animate the evening of July 8 at 21.00 at the Limoni in festa in Massa Lubrense.

The Neapolitan folk-rock band Foja that will animate the evening of July 8 of the Limoni in festa

On July 9, instead, at 21.00 at the Limoni in festa will be the turn of the comedian Paolo Caiazzo, one of the leading comedians and author of the Rai 2 comedy show, Made in Sud.

The television and theatre successes of Paolo Caiazzo

Paolo conceived very well-known characters, for example the Japanese man ‘Ndò, Max Playstation and Tonino Cardamone.

Moreover he has been featured on television shows like Quelli che il calcio, Bulldozer, Zelig Off and Colorado Cafè Live.

He is author and performer of successful plays, including Benvenuti in casa Esposito, co-written with Pino Imperatore and Alessandro Siani. He also received the Massimo Troisi Lifetime Achievement Award.

With his pungent irony, brilliance and charisma, Caiazzo always manages to conquer the audience.

His immense talent and his ability to create unique and unforgettable characters made him an icon of contemporary comedy.

The comedian Paolo Caiazzo who will animate the evening of July 9 of the Limoni in festa 2023

On this occasion Paolo Caiazzo will perform the show “Eppure sorrido”.

It is characterized by sketches and monologues whose protagonists are the characters that the actor spread on the social networks during the lockdown.

So impossible not to take a look at the program and miss the performance of these great performers.

The wonderful settings, the craft market and the typical products that will inebriate the streets with their citrus scents.

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It’s almost time for Limoni in Festa 2023

Category:Blog,Events,Festivals,Pro Loco Tags : 

Come and experience an explosion of taste and tradition at the Limoni in Festa in Massa Lubrense! This one-of-a-kind event awaits you for an unforgettable festival, dedicated to the king of citrus fruits: the lemon.

On 8 and 9 July, the streets of the picturesque town of Massa Lubrense will be filled with bright colors and heady scents. The local lemons, famous for their exceptional quality, will be the absolute protagonists of this festival.

Like every year, it will be a true paradise for lovers of food and handcrafted products. With the tasting itinerary you can taste lemon-based delicacies, from fresh appetizers to succulent desserts, up to refreshing drinks. There will be local specialities, enriched by the freshness and acidity of lemon, which will tickle every palate.

Limoni in festa 2023

In addition to the gastronomic aspect, the Limoni in Festa will also offer a feast for the eyes. It will be possible to admire wonderful themed installations, with the handicraft and typical products market that will transform the streets into a magical and fragrant world.

The atmosphere will be enlivened by music and entertainment for all ages. The Foja are a Neapolitan musical group that will perform in the “Miracoli e Rivoluzioni” concert in the first evening of the festival, Saturday 8 July. The band is known for its unique style, which blends traditional Neapolitan sounds with contemporary influences.

Sunday 9 July will be the turn of Paolo Caiazzo, an Italian comedian who will perform in the show “Eppure sorrido”. The actor is known for his ironic and satirical style of comedy, which tackles current affairs, politics and everyday life with sarcasm and humor.

The Lemon Festival in Massa Lubrense is an event not to be missed if you love authenticity, local culture and the intense flavor of lemons: an exciting experience that will stimulate all the senses.

We look forward to seeing you in Massa Lubrense to celebrate the great beauty of this extraordinary fruit!

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Festivals: an opportunity to get to know the area

Category:Blog,Featured,Festivals,Food Tags : 

written by Claudia Fontana

Festivals are popular local celebrations that generally arise from a religious festivity, often to commemorate a saint. They are generally animated by music, fun activities and excellent cuisine. In Massa Lubrense there are several festivals throughout the year: here you can taste the best products of our land.

Zucchini Festival

It takes place on the second Sunday of July in the village of Acquara to celebrate the patron saint St. Vito. The day of St. Vito is actually celebrated on June 15th, but it is customary to carry out the festival in July. The most important moment is certainly the procession that passes through the whole village. Among the delicious foods that you can eat, there are many zucchini-based dishes such as the famous parmigiana and spaghetti alla Nerano.

Lemon Festival

Among the most famous festivals in the area there is certainly the lemon festival. It is held in July and is dedicated to one of the typical products of our land: lemon. You can taste various dishes and lemon-based specialties such as sorbet and risotto and you can also try the famous limoncello.

Snail Festival

Also very famous is the snail festival held on June 29th in Monticchio. The festival takes place on the occasion of the feast of St. Peter. There is, at first, a long procession followed by the Massa Lubrense music band. Then during the festival, in addition to pleasant musical performances and various activities for the youngest, you can taste the delicious snails.

Potato Festival

It takes place in the village of Termini to celebrate San Costanzo. It is held in July and usually lasts for a weekend. The main product is the potato, which is the basis of all dishes, from the starter to the dessert. Among the specialties are croquette, potato ravioli and Neapolitan staples.

Tomato festival

It takes place on the first Sunday of August in the village of Torca to celebrate the patron saint, St. Anna. As for the zucchini festival, also in this case the feast of the saint is actually on a different day, that is, July 26th. The tomato can be tasted in many traditional and non-traditional recipes, all accompanied by music and fun.

Fiordilatte Festival

On the occasion of the patronal feast of St. Salvatore, on August 6th, the Fiordilatte Festival is held in the village of Schiazzano. Fiordilatte is one of the typical cheeses of Massa Lubrense but you can also taste the famous provolone del monaco and a great variety of local dairy products.

Eggplant Festival

The festival is held on August 15th in the village of Marina della Lobra to celebrate the feast of the Madonna dell’Assunta. For the religious anniversary, a procession takes place by sea to the rock of Vervece. Afterwards, in the evening, you can enjoy various eggplant-based dishes, including the famous chocolate eggplants.

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Marcialonga 2022

Marcialonga: the awaited event is back

Category:Events,Featured,Festivals,Outdoors Tags : 

On December 26, 2022, the 42nd edition of the Marcialonga will be held in Massa Lubrense.

The Marcialonga is an amateur free paced race through the streets of Massa Lubrense, discovering the most evocative corners of the area. It is an event organized by the parish community on the occasion of Christmas, which attracts hundreds of participants every year.

More then a competition, it is actually a pleasant walk through the hamlets and natural beauties of the place. For the residents, taking part in it is a way to spend cheerful time in company, in the spirit of the holidays.

The first edition was held on December 26, 1978, involving the entire town. From then on the Marcialonga became a real recurrence. In 2019, 2508 people of all ages took part in it, breaking all records. In 2020 and last year, due to the covid-19 pandemic, the event could not take place.

How to participate

Like every year, the event begins on St. Stephen day at 2 p.m. You can register on the same day from 9 a.m. until 10 minutes before the start at the stands in Piazza Vescovado (Vescovado Square), where the start is also scheduled. The rules of participation will be specified at the time of registration by handing over the regulations.

The route

Three refreshment points are included, two along the way and one at the end. It is possible to taste typical Christmas sweets, such as roccocò, panettone or fried zeppole prepared by the organizers, as well as the inevitable sausage sandwich.

From the square, the walk continues towards Via Roma, Via Rivo a Casa, via IV Novembre and via Nastro d’Oro, before reaching the crossroads for Santa Maria, the first refreshment point. The walk resumes along via Caselle, via Annunziata, arriving at the square of Santa Maria, where a second stop is planned. The longest part of the route then begins from via Padre Rocco, following the rotabile Massa Turro, deviating for via Mortella, crossing via Rachione, G. Marconi square and viale Filangieri. The event ends in Piazza Vescovado, where there will be one last refreshment, usually based on brioche and hot chocolate, served by the staff.

The first 100 drawn numbers will receive prizes offered by the local commercial activities. At the end of the walk, celebrations for young and old will continue.

As in the last edition, the event will be completely plastic free: respecting the environment only biodegradable disposable material will be used.

  • Marcialonga 2019
  • Marcialonga, i dolci natalizi, 2019
  • Marcialonga 2019
  • Marcialonga 2011
  • Marcialonga 2014, partenza
  • Marcialonga 2019
  • Marcialonga 2018

Every year many people work behind the scenes, with passion and dedication, to provide moments of joy and lightheartedness. Among the organizers there are those who make the desserts or other gastronomic delights, those who take care of setting up the stands or taking the registrations, but many more are the activities that make the event a success, which would be impossible without everyone’s cooperation!

Marcialonga on social media:

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church of San Costanzo

Non-tourist activities in Massa Lubrense

Category:Events,Festivals,Places,Travel Tags : 

di Rosario Sisto

Siete per caso stanchi delle solite attività turistiche?

Quante volte è possibile ripetere le stesse attività in luoghi diversi prima che diventino monotone? Visitare musei, centri archeologici, chiese, andare a mangiare nei ristoranti della zona per provare la cucina locale e così via.

Ovviamente non c’è nulla di male con nessuna di queste attività, ma è naturale che si voglia provare qualcosa di diverso di tanto in tanto. Magari molti di voi saranno interessati a fare cose che solitamente non rientrano nel tipico itinerario turistico, ed è precisamente a voi che offriamo una serie di attività non turistiche che potrete godere qui a Massa Lubrense!

Da vari tipi di attività sportive a esperienze agricole ravvicinate, scoprirete che qui da noi c’è sempre qualcosa capace di catturare il vostro interesse!

Attività non turistiche per il corpo e la mente

Qui a Massa Lubrense potrete trovare numerose occasioni per cimentarvi in vari tipi di sport, di cui alcuni sono mirati a giovare al corpo, altri allo spirito.

Ecco a voi alcune attività che vi consigliamo in particolar modo:

  • Yoga: Lo Yoga ha origini antichissime risalenti a migliaia di anni fa in India e si trova a metà strada tra una pura attività fisica e una vera e propria filosofia. Si tratta di un insieme di attività che non solo giovano alla salute fisica ma che mirano anche al raggiungimento di un miglior stato spirituale. Sin dall’antichità molti individui ritengono che sia possibile raggiungere un livello di illuminazione e salvezza spirituale tramite queste pratiche. Esistono vari tipi di Yoga, ognuno con le proprie caratteristiche, come ad esempio lo Sri Sri Yoga.
  • Pilates: Un metodo di allenamento fisico, ideato da Joseph Pilates agli inizi del 900, che prende vari spunti dallo Yoga. Pilates mira ad allenare i muscoli in maniera precisa, così da migliorare la propria postura, nonché la fluidità e precisione dei movimenti, senza aumentare la massa muscolare in modo eccessivo.
  • Canoa: Qui a Massa Lubrense vi sarà possibile partecipare a delle visite guidate in canoa lungo le acque che bagnano il territorio. Se siete interessati ad esercitare il vostro fisico e ammirare le bellezze delle nostre coste allo stesso tempo vi invitiamo a non lasciarvi sfuggire l’occasione!

Ci sono ancora altri tipi di attività sportive che potrete praticare qui da noi. Spesso organizziamo eventi che vi permetteranno di praticarle guidati da esperti, per questo vi consigliamo di tener sempre d’occhio il nostro calendario.

Esperienze religiose uniche

attività non turistiche

Se siete interessati a conoscere la vita religiosa qui a Massa Lubrense allora vi invitiamo ad assistere alle processioni del Venerdì Santo che avvengono ogni anno.

Si tratta di due processioni eseguite da due organizzazioni:

  • La processione del Cristo morto, eseguita dall’Arciconfraternita della Morte, volta a rappresentare la passione e morte di Cristo. L’Arciconfraternita nacque nel 1613 con il fine di voler garantire una degna sepoltura a tutti coloro che non potessero permettersela a causa della loro povertà.
  • Una processione organizzata dalla Confraternita di San Filippo Neri, anch’essa rappresentante la morte di Cristo. La Confraternita fu ufficialmente fondata nel 1575 da Filippo Neri ed è dedita all’utilizzo dell’istruzione e della predicazione per la santificazione delle anime.

Intrattenimento per bambini a Massa Lubrense

Se avete con voi dei bambini e volete che anche loro trovino attività divertenti tutte per loro a cui partecipare allora non temete! Qui a Massa Lubrense troverete vari parchi giochi dove i vostri bambini potranno divertirsi immersi nella natura!

A Sant’Agata sui Due Golfi, una delle nostre frazioni, troverete un parco di recente apertura situato lungo via Reola, aperto dal Lunedì al Venerdì, dalle 9:00 alle 13:00 e dalle 15:00 alle 18:00, e il Sabato e la Domenica dalle 9:00 alle 18:00, sia agli adulti che ai bambini, dove i primi potranno rilassarsi a contatto con la natura mentre gli ultimi si divertono.

Di recente riapertura è il Parco delle Sirene, che adesso presenta una nuova area giochi per i bambini con tanto di nuove misure di sicurezza. Inoltre è stata migliorata l’accessibilità ai disabili per tutte le aree del parco. Il parco è situato a Massa Centro, lungo via Rotabile Massa Turro.

Immergersi nella produzione agricola

attività non turistiche

Se avete mai desiderato osservare con i vostri occhi come avviene la produzione agricola e la raccolta delle olive, qui a Massa Lubrense potrete averne l’occasione!

Abbiamo molte aziende agricole nel territorio che si occupano della produzione di una miriade di prodotti diversi. Molte di esse tendono a produrre olio tramite la coltivazione di olive.

Generalmente la raccolta delle olive avviene tra i mesi di Ottobre e Dicembre, ed è proprio intorno a questo periodo che ogni anno viene organizzata una “camminata tra gli olivi” da parte dell’Associazione Nazionale Città dell’Olio, che comprende centinaia di città in tutta Italia. Tra queste città è spesso inclusa Massa Lubrense, pertanto vi invitiamo a prenderne parte nell’occasione se desiderate vivere un’esperienza unica a stretto contatto con la realtà agricola locale!

Attività non turistiche per un’esperienza diversa

Ci sono ovviamente molte altre attività non turistiche che potrete provare qui a Massa Lubrense, in quest’articolo vi abbiamo indicato solo alcuni di quelle che, secondo noi, potreste apprezzare di più.

Se quindi desiderate passare un’esperienza turistica un po’ diversa dal solito vi invitiamo calorosamente a visitarci il prima possibile. Vi assicuriamo che la vostra permanenza qui da noi sarà indimenticabile!