The Comic Massa Lubrense… what’s the story?!

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The Comic Massa Lubrense… what’s the story?!

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Massa Lubrense… what’s the story?!


Hot off the press the first issue of Massa Lubrense… what’s the story?!, a series of five volumes that leads his readers on a fascinating journey through the myths and history of our land, particularly rich in a past to discover and visit.

The book series is divided into the following periods:

  1. Prehistory, myths and Greek-Roman period
  2. Middle Ages and Christianization
  3. 1550/1600
  4. 1700/1800
  5. 1900 Contemporary Age

The volume Prehistory, myths and Greek-Roman period focuses on the arc of time that goes from prehistory – with the earliest human settlements in the peninsula – to the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD. C. – infamous for the destruction of the city of Pompeii.

Fumetto Massa Lubrense - Ulisse e le sireneProtagonists of the tale and cartoon characters are those – such as the Massa’s mule, winged sirens, Ulysses – that gradually have become part of the imaginary of Massa Lubrense. The story revolves around the events that have marked the evolution of the Sorrentine Peninsula, and highlights the archaeological finds that the time has preserved until today. Special attention is also paid to places visited along our territory, shown in the map of Sorrento at the end of the work.

Fumetto-Massa-Lubrense-CopertinaThe comic Massa Lubrense… what’s the story?! is available at Pro Loco Massa Lubrense.
To support the project, we require a small contribution from € 3.00.


The project was designed by Pro Loco Massa Lubrense and built – in collaboration with the Cultural Association La Fenice and Archeoclub of Massa Lubrense, and with the assistance of the City of Massa Lubrense – on texts by Dominic Palumbo and drawings and graphics by Bemarking.