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church of San Costanzo

Non-tourist activities in Massa Lubrense

Category:Events,Festivals,Places,Travel Tags : 

di Rosario Sisto

Siete per caso stanchi delle solite attività turistiche?

Quante volte è possibile ripetere le stesse attività in luoghi diversi prima che diventino monotone? Visitare musei, centri archeologici, chiese, andare a mangiare nei ristoranti della zona per provare la cucina locale e così via.

Ovviamente non c’è nulla di male con nessuna di queste attività, ma è naturale che si voglia provare qualcosa di diverso di tanto in tanto. Magari molti di voi saranno interessati a fare cose che solitamente non rientrano nel tipico itinerario turistico, ed è precisamente a voi che offriamo una serie di attività non turistiche che potrete godere qui a Massa Lubrense!

Da vari tipi di attività sportive a esperienze agricole ravvicinate, scoprirete che qui da noi c’è sempre qualcosa capace di catturare il vostro interesse!

Attività non turistiche per il corpo e la mente

Qui a Massa Lubrense potrete trovare numerose occasioni per cimentarvi in vari tipi di sport, di cui alcuni sono mirati a giovare al corpo, altri allo spirito.

Ecco a voi alcune attività che vi consigliamo in particolar modo:

  • Yoga: Lo Yoga ha origini antichissime risalenti a migliaia di anni fa in India e si trova a metà strada tra una pura attività fisica e una vera e propria filosofia. Si tratta di un insieme di attività che non solo giovano alla salute fisica ma che mirano anche al raggiungimento di un miglior stato spirituale. Sin dall’antichità molti individui ritengono che sia possibile raggiungere un livello di illuminazione e salvezza spirituale tramite queste pratiche. Esistono vari tipi di Yoga, ognuno con le proprie caratteristiche, come ad esempio lo Sri Sri Yoga.
  • Pilates: Un metodo di allenamento fisico, ideato da Joseph Pilates agli inizi del 900, che prende vari spunti dallo Yoga. Pilates mira ad allenare i muscoli in maniera precisa, così da migliorare la propria postura, nonché la fluidità e precisione dei movimenti, senza aumentare la massa muscolare in modo eccessivo.
  • Canoa: Qui a Massa Lubrense vi sarà possibile partecipare a delle visite guidate in canoa lungo le acque che bagnano il territorio. Se siete interessati ad esercitare il vostro fisico e ammirare le bellezze delle nostre coste allo stesso tempo vi invitiamo a non lasciarvi sfuggire l’occasione!

Ci sono ancora altri tipi di attività sportive che potrete praticare qui da noi. Spesso organizziamo eventi che vi permetteranno di praticarle guidati da esperti, per questo vi consigliamo di tener sempre d’occhio il nostro calendario.

Esperienze religiose uniche

attività non turistiche

Se siete interessati a conoscere la vita religiosa qui a Massa Lubrense allora vi invitiamo ad assistere alle processioni del Venerdì Santo che avvengono ogni anno.

Si tratta di due processioni eseguite da due organizzazioni:

  • La processione del Cristo morto, eseguita dall’Arciconfraternita della Morte, volta a rappresentare la passione e morte di Cristo. L’Arciconfraternita nacque nel 1613 con il fine di voler garantire una degna sepoltura a tutti coloro che non potessero permettersela a causa della loro povertà.
  • Una processione organizzata dalla Confraternita di San Filippo Neri, anch’essa rappresentante la morte di Cristo. La Confraternita fu ufficialmente fondata nel 1575 da Filippo Neri ed è dedita all’utilizzo dell’istruzione e della predicazione per la santificazione delle anime.

Intrattenimento per bambini a Massa Lubrense

Se avete con voi dei bambini e volete che anche loro trovino attività divertenti tutte per loro a cui partecipare allora non temete! Qui a Massa Lubrense troverete vari parchi giochi dove i vostri bambini potranno divertirsi immersi nella natura!

A Sant’Agata sui Due Golfi, una delle nostre frazioni, troverete un parco di recente apertura situato lungo via Reola, aperto dal Lunedì al Venerdì, dalle 9:00 alle 13:00 e dalle 15:00 alle 18:00, e il Sabato e la Domenica dalle 9:00 alle 18:00, sia agli adulti che ai bambini, dove i primi potranno rilassarsi a contatto con la natura mentre gli ultimi si divertono.

Di recente riapertura è il Parco delle Sirene, che adesso presenta una nuova area giochi per i bambini con tanto di nuove misure di sicurezza. Inoltre è stata migliorata l’accessibilità ai disabili per tutte le aree del parco. Il parco è situato a Massa Centro, lungo via Rotabile Massa Turro.

Immergersi nella produzione agricola

attività non turistiche

Se avete mai desiderato osservare con i vostri occhi come avviene la produzione agricola e la raccolta delle olive, qui a Massa Lubrense potrete averne l’occasione!

Abbiamo molte aziende agricole nel territorio che si occupano della produzione di una miriade di prodotti diversi. Molte di esse tendono a produrre olio tramite la coltivazione di olive.

Generalmente la raccolta delle olive avviene tra i mesi di Ottobre e Dicembre, ed è proprio intorno a questo periodo che ogni anno viene organizzata una “camminata tra gli olivi” da parte dell’Associazione Nazionale Città dell’Olio, che comprende centinaia di città in tutta Italia. Tra queste città è spesso inclusa Massa Lubrense, pertanto vi invitiamo a prenderne parte nell’occasione se desiderate vivere un’esperienza unica a stretto contatto con la realtà agricola locale!

Attività non turistiche per un’esperienza diversa

Ci sono ovviamente molte altre attività non turistiche che potrete provare qui a Massa Lubrense, in quest’articolo vi abbiamo indicato solo alcuni di quelle che, secondo noi, potreste apprezzare di più.

Se quindi desiderate passare un’esperienza turistica un po’ diversa dal solito vi invitiamo calorosamente a visitarci il prima possibile. Vi assicuriamo che la vostra permanenza qui da noi sarà indimenticabile!

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An experience of Sri Sri yoga in Massa Lubrense

Category:Outdoors,Blog,Events,Pro Loco Tags : 

Edited by Claudia Pia Palumbo

Interview with Gelsomina Di Maio

Some call it sport, others religion or philosophy of life: we are talking about yoga. A practice born more than 2000 years ago in India to establish a balance between body and mind and which, during all these years, has never gone out of fashion. On the contrary, it has known more and more new forms, such as Sri Sri Yoga.

In view of the cycle of Sri Sri Yoga lessons that will be held this summer at the Annunziata castle, we asked the instructor Gelsomina di Maio for some information on Sri Sri Yoga.

Could you briefly describe what Sri Sri Yoga consists of? And above all, how does it differ from traditional yoga?

Actually, Sri Sri Yoga does not differ at all from the yogic tradition but is a faithful expression of it, indeed the SSY integrates the various traditional paths such as Hatha Yoga (effort), Jnana Yoga (wisdom), Karma Yoga (service and action) and Bakti Yoga (devotion). The founder of SSY is Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, a living master, accomplished in yoga and meditation, peace ambassador, and humanitarian leader known and appreciated all over the world. The goal is to bring into the world an authentic education of yoga accessible to all. His message is that inner and outer peace is possible through service and the awakening of human values. The word yoga means “union”, the one between the body, mind, and breath.

Why is yoga called a “complete” discipline, which provides significant benefits for both the body and the mind?

Yoga is undoubtedly a very complete discipline. Numerous scientific studies demonstrate the therapeutic power of yogic practices. With yoga, we work on the body through postures or positions called “ASANA“. Through certain breathing practices “PRANAYAMA” and meditation “DHYANA“, we work on our vital energy until we reach a deep meditative state called “SAMADHI“.

The benefits of yoga are immense: On a physical level, there is an improvement in elasticity and muscle tone and in all the joints of the body. It improves blood and lymphatic circulation, gives better balance and coordination, increases breathing capacity, and helps reduce body weight. Mentally, it reduces stress, improves concentration and memory, and calms anxiety and mental agitation. Not least, it helps improve sleep quality and quality of life.

 Why precisely the Annunziata castle? Is the environment a determining factor when practicing Sri Sri Yoga?

Having the opportunity to take advantage of a place of such scenic beauty certainly enriches the yoga experience. This magnificent and harmonious place, far from the chaos of the city, where you can breathe fresh air deeply, is certainly an ideal setting for a positive and regenerating experience. The environment in which Yoga is practiced must be clean, tidy, cared for, possibly quiet and well ventilated.

Do you think SSY is for everyone? And above all, is there a specific age to start practicing SSY? Is yoga recommended for pregnant women?

On so many occasions, especially in modern times, yoga is distorted and praticed inappropriately, neglecting the most sacred and profound aspects of this millenary practice. In SSY, wisdom and techniques are proposed in an easy and joyful way, in a simple but effective way. It can therefore be within everyone’s reach and practiced at all ages. The principles of yoga can be taught from an early age, obviously, the teaching methodology and the type of practices change if we are dealing with children. Similarly in the case of pregnant women: yoga is highly recommended but you must be very careful especially in the first three months of pregnancy during which any too stimulating activity is often not recommended. During pregnancy, there are certain postures that are extremely beneficial. Proper breathing along with the well-being and deep relaxation experienced by the mother also benefits the baby in her womb.

 What advice would you give to a person who has never tried yoga until now but really wants to do it?

Not to hesitate any further and take this opportunity immediately. I would recommend giving oneself this possibility without judging themselves, without thinking a priori of being more or less capable. I would suggest experimenting and getting involved. It is never too late to make a change in one’s life and it is never too late to live fully. 

We, therefore, thank the instructor Gelsomina di Maio for answering some questions, and now all that remains is to try the free lessons organized by the Pro loco of Massa Lubrense to enjoy the countless advantages that Sri Sri Yoga provides.

sri sri yoga

Gelsomina di Maio

Yoga instructor

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Ready for the Lemon Festival 2022

Category:Blog,Events,Festivals,Food,Pro Loco Tags : 

Walkings, tastings and shows to celebrate one of the symbols of local gastronomy.

In Massa Lubrense we are preparing to host the lemon festival “Limoni in festa”, two days of good cuisine and traditions promoted by the association Pro Loco Massa Lubrense with the patronage and the city’s contribution: the appointment is for Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th of July, in Largo Vescovado. Now in its 46th edition, the event returns after two years of stop imposed by the pandemic.

Limoni in Festa 2022

The traditional “agropasseggiata” will open the program, on July 9 at 9 am. It is a walk on paths and alleys of the old town, among olive and lemon groves. In the evening, at 6:30 pm, the town center will come alive with the opening of the stands of crafts and typical products and the lemon tasting itinerary.

There will be shows: on Saturday at 9 pm the actor Gino Rivieccio will propose to the public his show ‘Da cosa nasce cosa’, while on Sunday at 9 pm the musical group ‘La Maschera’ will perform in the concert  ‘Sotto chi tene core’. “We couldn’t wait to organize our festival again – observes Anna Teresa Pappalardo, president of Pro Loco Massa Lubrense – I thank all those working for its realization with renewed enthusiasm, waiting to be all together in the square”. 

“The festival returns after two years of stop – emphasizes Antonino Esposito, managing director Agriculture of Massa Lubrense – with the aim of enhancing an extraordinary product such as the lemon of Massa Lubrense, the ‘femminiello’: oval, with a juicy straw-yellow pulp, a concentrate of vitamin C and mineral salts, with a skin rich in essential oils.”

The lemon festival is part of the frame of ‘Omaggio alla bellezza’, the cycle of summer events promoted by the city administration of Massa Lubrense: “With this review – concludes Giovanna Staiano, Councillor for Tourism Massa Lubrense – we have given rise to several initiatives for tourists and residents, which lead to the discovery and enhancement of our extraordinary land.”

For more information: Limoni in Festa 2022 – Massa Lubrense (massalubrenseturismo.it)

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Massa Lubrense Expo… ne

Category:Blog,Events,Featured,Festivals Tags : 

“Massa Lubrense Expo… ne” is the local handicraft and agriculture fair held in Sant’Agata sui due golfi (Massa Lubrense) from 17 to 19 December 2021

A charming traditional market lined with wooden chalets, beautifully decorated and filled with unique gifts, handicrafts, local produce and tantalizing culinary delights.

The atmosphere is enlivened by street performers and traveling music. At lunch and dinner it is possible to taste the dishes prepared by the local restaurants association.

In one of the chalets, Santa Claus is waiting for all the children who want to personally deliver their letter to him.

Opening time:

Friday 17 from 18:00 to 21:00

Saturday 18 from 10:00 to 21:00

Sunday 19th from 10:00 to 21:00

Place of the fair:

Via Doppio Corso, Sant’Agata sui due golfi

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Omaggio alla bellezza in Massa Lubrense

Category:Blog,Events,Featured,Outdoors,Pro Loco Tags : 

From June to October in Massa Lubrense the program Omaggio alla bellezza is held, a project that involves the territory with multiple free events.

Concerts in nature, themed walks, tastings, yoga and pilates classes, activities for children and much more. Promoted by the Municipality of Massa Lubrense in collaboration with local associations, the exhibition offers those who live or spend a few days in Massa Lubrense the opportunity to enjoy a wonderful area with activities that enhance its culture, history and natural beauty.

Open-air musical events return to enchant us with the fifth edition of Natura in concerto: musical performances in places with a mythical charm.

The cycle of guided walking tours proposed by the Pro Loco Massa Lubrense is part of Omaggio alla bellezza: the Passeggiate d’estate are excursions with environmental guides, with tasting of local products in farms or agritourisms.

Alla ricerca della valle perduta nella Terra delle Sirene” is the title of the proposals of the Pro Loco Due Golfi and the Massa Lubrense branch of the Archeoclub: four itineraries inspired by the lives of Ignazio Chiaiese, Torquato Tasso, Norman Douglas, Teofilo and Gianbattista Folengo.

AGAT Massa Lubrense also offers a rich calendar of excursions in the area: “Alla scoperta dei borghi” emphasizes its historic centers, monuments and religious buildings.

The program also includes activities organized by the Punta Campanella Marine Protected Area: open days to visit the park’s visitor center, canoe and snorkelling excursions to get to know our coast and sea.

For the little ones, the much appreciated Merende itineranti continue: walks for children with outdoor theater, workshops and organic snacks. There is no shortage of amusing magic shows in the squares and playgrounds of Massa Lubrense.

Throughout the summer it is also possible to take part in yoga and pilates classes outdoors: the best way to seek your own well-being in the newfound connection with the environment that surrounds us.

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Natura in concerto: walks and music

Category:Blog,Events,Outdoors Tags : 

Natura in concerto is a traveling music festival that takes place in some of the most evocative locations in Massa Lubrense. The music reaches uncontaminated spots such as Punta Campanella, slips into the alleys of the villages, in front of churches and chapels, arrives in the squares, by the sea and on panoramic terraces.

natura in concerto massa lubrense

For each appointment, a walk by Agat Massa Lubrense leads to the concert venue.

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Yoga at sunset

Category:Blog,Events,Featured,Pro Loco Tags : 

12 yoga classes outdoors, on the panoramic terrace of the Church of Sant’Andrea in Marciano, with the osteopath Dr. Antonino Minervino.

A cycle of 12 outdoor meetings designed to offer the possibility of rediscovering our well-being, encouraging increasingly healthy lifestyles.

The type of yoga proposed by osteopath Dr. Antonio Minervino is “hatha yoga”, in which physical effort is the tool to regain balance; it is a type of yoga suitable for all ages and which does not require any particular physical preparation.

Lessons are held weekly, on Thursdays, and are held on the terrace of the Church of Marciano, in a context of calm and relaxation, with an enchanting panorama. Each lesson lasts 60 minutes.

Yoga classes are free, participants are required to bring a mat and comfortable clothing.


Info and reservations:

Pro Loco Massa Lubrense
Viale Filangieri 11, 80061 Massa Lubrense, Napoli
+390815339021 (9:30 – 13:00)
+393510862663 (WhatsApp)

Organized by the Pro Loco Massa Lubrense, with the patronage and contribution of the Municipality of Massa Lubrense – Tourism Department. It is part of the “Omaggio alla bellezza” program.

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Carnival of Termini 2020

Category:Blog,Events,Festivals Tags : 

The 2020 carnival of Termini (Massa Lubrense): times, dates, parade program and all useful information.

The Cultural Association Termini non solo Carnevale has organized for this year a Carnival full of music, colors and joy.

The Carnival in Termini kicks off on Sunday 23 February and until Sunday 1 March Termini will be invaded by the colors of the Carnival masks and parades of allegorical floats for what is one of the most characteristic carnivals of the Sorrento Peninsula.

The full program of the Carnival in Termini 2020 is on the poster.

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Limoni in Festa 2018 – Massa Lubrense Lemon Festival

Category:Blog,Events,Featured,Festivals,Outdoors,Pro Loco Tags : 

Limoni in festa 2018 – Massa Lubrense Lemon Festival

The highlight event of the summer of Massa Lubrense. An excellent opportunity to taste many delicacies of the cuisine of Massa Lubrense based on the typical citrus that gives the name to the festival: our oval lemon called “femminiello”.

A series of events taking place in the city center, following the flavors of dishes with lemon scent, the sounds of popular music, the rediscovery of the oldest buildings, the streets, the typical corners.


Friday, 13 July 2018
6.30am – 11.00pm Market with typical products and local crafts
8.30pm Concert “Divenendo Live” by Marco Mariconda and Le Sequenze

Saturday 14 July 2018
10.30am – 11.00pm Market with typical products and local craftsmanship
5.00pm Guided walking Massa center – Annunziata – Marina Lobra
7.00pm – 11.00pm Gastronomic itinerary based on lemons
9.00 pm Concert Mujeres Creando – Special Guest: Enzo Gragnaniello with Piero Gallo

Sunday 15 July 2018
10.30am – 11.00pm Market with typical products and local craftsmanship
7.00pm – 11.00pm Gastronomic itinerary based on lemons
9.00 pm “Parco Sofia Tour” concert of La Maschera


Largo Vescovado, 80061 Massa Lubrense, Naples, Italy

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Processions of the dead Christ – Easter in Massa Lubrense

Category:Blog,Events,Featured,Festivals Tags : 

There are two processions of the dead Christ taking place in Massa Lubrense on Good Friday: one in Massa centro and one in Torca.

Arciconfraternita della Morte e Orazione – Massa Centro

Good Friday
Route: Chiesa S. Maria delle Grazie, Largo Vescovado, Via Palma, Via Roma, Via Rivo a Casa, Via IV Novembre, Piazza Marconi, Via Rachione, Via Mortella, Rotabile Massa Turro. Viale Filangieri, Largo Vescovado,Via Mortella, Rotabile Massa Turro, Viale Filangieri, Largo Vescovado, Chiesa S. Maria delle Grazie.

The procession of the dead ChristConfraternity Death and Prayer of Massa Lubrense
Dramatic and symbolic representation of the passion and death of Christ having a carthartic value, the procession of the dead Christ, which runs every Good Friday through the streets of Massa Lubrense, is a direct subsidiary of similar medieval representations, enriched and supplemented by the taste of the theatrical that the Spanish brought in our Easter religious tradition and that became evident especially in the exhibition of instruments linked to the passion of Christ.

The Jesuits gave the biggest impetus to the pious practice of the procession of the dead Christ, and yet, although the city of Massa Lubrense had a great and powerful College of that order, no sign, no description of the march seems to have remained.

By the lawyer. Cuomo, historian emeritus of our local reality, we learn that toward the 1910-12 the Procession of theDead Christ began to be organized in Massa Lubrense (the statue was purchased by the administration of the Church Cathedral), but the Confraternity of the Rosary of the Annunciation used to participate with its own dress, used for the funeral of the confreres (white coat, black capes, and white cap). With the passing of time, this procession went slowly degrading; until in 1971, when the tradition was renewed: with all blacks clothes, innovating path and furnishings. “

Since 1995, the procession is no longer organized by the parish former Cathedral of Santa Maria delle Grazie, but the reborn Confraternity Death and Prayer. It starts from the former Cathedral just after sunset, by torchlight, in order and strict silence.

Confraternita San Filippo Neri – Torca

Good Friday
Route: Chiesa Parrocchiale San Tommaso Apostolo, Piazza San Tommaso Apostolo, via Botteghe di Sopra, via Torricella, Via Croce, Via Reola, via Regina Margherita (fino al bivio con Acquara), ritorno lungo via Regina Margherita, via Reola, Doppio Corso, Via Deserto, Piazza Sant’Agata, Corso Sant’Agata, Via Croce, Via Torricella, Piazza San Tommaso Apostolo, Chiesa Parrocchiale San Tommaso Apostolo.

The procession of the dead ChristConfraternity San Filippo Neri of Torca” The Confraternity of St. Filippo Neri, the westernmost of the Sorrento peninsula, organizes a procession during Holy Week, and properly on Good Friday evening. This initiative is due to the old parish priest Mollo who promoted favoring it with a statue of the dead Christ in papier mache.

The wear of time (maybe even a little carelessness) suggested to replace the statue with another in wood, that the current parish priest, Don Mario Cafiero, realized with the contribution of the local people. Like all other similar rites, this procession begins at dusk, but features its peculiarities: it is opened by Catholic children” of the parish with their “pennant”, followed by the Associations of Catholic Action (youth and women) and then by the Confraternity, in black habit. The brothers carry in procession the torment‘ and ‘lamps‘.

The final part of the procession is made up of a group of boys who carry on their shoulders the “cross”, the statue of the Dead Christ (adorned with lights and flowers), the musical band, a choir of children and young people and, finally, the venerated statue of Our Lady of Sorrows (also adorned with flowers and lights), followed by a large group of women in prayers.

This procession of the Confraternity of San Filippo Neri has not the chorus of Miserere”, but in its place has the children’s choir, singing the hymn “At Calvary“, in the same text of the Confraternity of the Crucifix of Meta, which so begins:

Del Calvario sull’erta pendice
Il Dator della vita s’immola
Col suo sangue dell’Uomo infelice
Ei cancella la colpa fatal
A raccogliere l’estrema parola
Del Suo figlio morente una madre
Resta immota tra barbare squadre
Come vinta da colpo fatal.

The procession reaches the neighboring hamlets of Pastena and S. Agata, in which churches, among devout masses of crowds, the priest plays an appropriate speech, then returning to Torca where, among the general commotion, the participants and the people kiss the Madonna’s mantle and the statue of the Dead Christ, at the conclusion of their penitential rite and as hope for the feast of Easter Sunday.