Category Archives: Events

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Autumn walks in Massa Lubrense

Category:Events,Featured,Outdoors,Pro Loco

The Autumn Walks in Massa Lubrense are from 15 November to 20 December 2015:

Passeggiate d'autunno - Massa Lubrense 201515 november – ‘A via ‘e miez
Departure from Massa centro, Arorella, Via Vigliano, stop for lunch at Il giardino di Vigliano. After lunch: Via Partenope, Via San Montano, Via Sirignano, Massa centro.

29 november  – Seguendo gesuiti, agostiniani e francescani
Departure from Massa centro, Villarca, Santa Maria, Bevedere, Turro, Via Gesine, San Francesco, stop for lunch at Podere Don Peppe. After lunch: Via Bagnulo, Via Mortora, Massa centro.

6 december – Sant’Agata e dintorni
Departure from piazza di S. Agata sui Due Golfi, Via Termine, Deserto, Tore di Acquara, Acquara, Canale, stop for lunch at Villa Castanito. After lunch: Doppio corso or Pastena, Via Ghezzi, S. Agata.

20 december – La collina di Torquato Tasso
Departure from Massa centro, Cerriglio, Via Mortora, Prasiano, Montecorbo, stop for lunch at Tenuta Montecorbo. After lunch: Via del Generale, Via San Montano, Arorella, Massa centro.

Times and duration
All tours begin at 10:00 am. There is a stop at 13:00 with tasting of a traditional main course, in a local farmhouse. At 14:30 we leave again, to finish by 17:00.

Participation fees *
Adults: € 12.00
Children (under 12): € 8.00

*The fee includes the meal: 1 main course, water, 1 glass of wine, 1 dessert, 1 coffee.

Info and reservation:
Pro Loco Massa Lubrense: 081 5339021
Pro Loco Due Golfi: 081 5330135
Ufficio informagiovani: 0815339494

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“Massa Lubrense. Il Paradiso è qui”: the new tourist brochure on the territory of Massa Lubrense

Category:Events,Featured,Outdoors,Pro Loco

Thursday, June 4 at 20:00, at the terrace in Viale Filangieri 11, the tourism office Pro Loco Massa Lubrense presents:


A tourist brochure on the territory of Massa Lubrense (in Italian, English, French and German).

Brochure turisctica - Massa Lubrense Il paradiso è qui - Pro Loco Massa Lubrense 2015

Special guest: Paolo CaiazzoPaolo Caiazzo Brochure turisctica - Massa Lubrense Il paradiso è qui - Pro Loco Massa Lubrense 2015

About the project

Questo progetto, fortemente voluto dal Direttivo della Pro Loco Massa Lubrense, nasce grazie alla collaborazione con l’Istituto Polispecialistico S. Paolo. Una cooperazione cominciata grazie a una “semplice” richiesta di convenzione tirocinio alunni che ha coinvolto 20 ragazzi delle classi III e IV, i quali saranno presenti all’interno della nostra sede nei mesi di giugno e luglio con attività di front-office, progettazione e gestione eventi, e di “tourist guide” alla scoperta dei nostri “angoli di paradiso”. Come Pro Loco, la considerazione dalla quale siamo partiti nella progettazione è stata semplice: ogni anno i migliori motori di ricerca del settore turistico premiano la qualità e l’eccellenza di una ricettività basata sull’alta professionalità dell’intero indotto che ruota intorno a esso. Massa Lubrense, oltre a offrire un valido supporto alle suddette strutture con personale sempre all’altezza di ottimi standard qualitativi, con mirate sinergie, grazie al proprio territorio e alle risorse a esso legate, può divenire meta di un turismo sempre più consistente e consapevole. A tal proposito riteniamo che avere l’opportunità di avere sul nostro territorio una scuola secondaria a indirizzo turistico sia un’ottima base per far interagire il mondo della scuola con il mondo lavorativo che ruota intorno a tale settore. In quest’ottica può divenire preponderante il ruolo “da tramite” che il tirocinio formativo può avere. Il tavolo di concertazione che abbiamo provato ad instaurare permetterà ad ognuno, secondo il suo ruolo, di mettere in campo le migliori energie. I testi che troverete in questo opuscolo sono presenti anche all’interno del sito e sono le notizie che maggiormente vengono richieste al nostro ufficio turistico. I ragazzi dell’Istituto Polispecialistico S. Paolo li hanno ottimamente tradotti in inglese, francese e tedesco. Ci auguriamo che grazie alla lungimiranza dei soggetti coinvolti questo progetto possa, per gli alunni, trasformarsi in qualcosa in più: una piccola finestra da cui guardare il mondo lavorativo e, allo stesso tempo, una sorta di “vetrina” per dimostrare realmente ciò che ognuno di Voi ragazzi è in grado di fare. L’A.T. Pro Loco di Massa Lubrense ha, anche negli anni precedenti, realizzato materiale informativo, ma la spinta e l’energia che ci ha dato questa progettualità ha entusiasmato tutti quelli che ci circondano. Nell’augurare ai visitatori un soggiorno indimenticabile presso i luoghi incantati e gli scenari mozzafiato di Massa Lubrense, auspichiamo ai ragazzi che han preso parte alla pianificazione, un futuro lavorativo degno delle loro più rosee aspettative.

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Campania Express: tourist train between Sorrento and Naples

Category:Blog,Events,Featured Tags : 

For updated timetable, please click here.

“Campania Express” is the new tourist train between Sorrento and Naples, it stops only in Pompei Scavi Villa dei Misteri and Ercolano Scavi.

The service is available from May 23rd to October 15th, 2015. The muntilingual staff on board will provide information about the places to visit and the program of events “Travel in Campania. In the Footsteps of the Grand Tour.”

The train “Campania Express” is air-conditioned, with video surveillance and it has 144 seats, plus four for the disabled.

Campania Express – Train schedule:

From Napoli Porta Nolana: 8.37, 12.06 and 18.36. From Sorrento: 9.57, 13.50 and 19.53.

orari campania express sorrento pompei napoli

Ticket price:

– € 15 return rate
– € 10 for Campania> Artecard holders (only at Artecard retail)

The ticket provides for the possibility of:

  • Make the return journey on a different date.
  • For the reserved date, get off at intermediate stops and resume the journey with another Campania Express run. In this case, the reservation does not guarantee the availability of a seat in the intermediate sections.
  • Choose the free shuttle bus in Sorrento.


Sales points:


– Napoli – Porta Nolana
– Napoli – Garibaldi

Arte card

– Napoli Stazione Centrale
– Sorrento
– Aeroporto di Capodichino

Free call: 800 600 601 – 800 211 388

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Massa Lubrense awarded the ‘Blue Flag’ status


Massa Lubrense has achieved for the eight consecutive year the ‘Blue Flag’ award, a prestigious quality mark for coastal areas, granted by the no-profit organization FEE (Foundation for Environmental Education) to promote and safeguard seashores.

In the classification of the Italian Regions, Campania has ranked in the fourth place, obtaining 14 ‘blue flags’, spread across the Gulf of Naples (Anacapri e Massa Lubrense) and Salerno (Ascea, Vibonati, Centola-Palinuro, Casal Velino, Agropoli, Montecorice, Sapri, Pisciotta, Pollica, Castellabate, Positano and Capaccio-Paestum).

Among the fundamental requirements, which have allowed to achieve this prestigious prize, there are the excellent quality of water, high efficiency in wastewater purification, infrastructure efficiency and the various services provided by bathing sites. Particular importance is also attached to the issue of the waste management system and the environmental initiatives promoted at local level.


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Spring free guided walkings in Massa Lubrense

Category:Blog,Events,Featured,Outdoors Tags : 

Spring free guided walkings

in Massa Lubrense

Sunday – April 19, 2015

Circuito di Athena

(Termini – Punta Campanella – San Costanzo – Termini)

Departure from the square of Termini at 10:30 AM | Ends at 5:30 PM

Saturday – April 25, 2015

L’Antica Civitas

(Massa centro – Annunziata – Santa Maria – Massa centro)

Departure from the square of Massa centro, Largo Vescovado, at 3:00 PM | Ends at 6:00 PM

Saturday – April 9, 2015

Sentiero delle Sirenuse

(Sant’Agata sui Due Golfi – Torca – Marecoccola – Tore – Sant’Agata sui Due Golfi)

Departure from the square of Sant’Agata sui Due Golfi at 3:00 PM | Ends at 6:00 PM

escursioni di primavera massa lubrense 2015


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Processions of the dead Christ – Easter in Massa Lubrense

Category:Blog,Events,Featured,Festivals Tags : 

There are two processions of the dead Christ taking place in Massa Lubrense on Good Friday: one in Massa centro and one in Torca.

Arciconfraternita della Morte e Orazione – Massa Centro

Good Friday
Route: Chiesa S. Maria delle Grazie, Largo Vescovado, Via Palma, Via Roma, Via Rivo a Casa, Via IV Novembre, Piazza Marconi, Via Rachione, Via Mortella, Rotabile Massa Turro. Viale Filangieri, Largo Vescovado,Via Mortella, Rotabile Massa Turro, Viale Filangieri, Largo Vescovado, Chiesa S. Maria delle Grazie.

The procession of the dead ChristConfraternity Death and Prayer of Massa Lubrense
Dramatic and symbolic representation of the passion and death of Christ having a carthartic value, the procession of the dead Christ, which runs every Good Friday through the streets of Massa Lubrense, is a direct subsidiary of similar medieval representations, enriched and supplemented by the taste of the theatrical that the Spanish brought in our Easter religious tradition and that became evident especially in the exhibition of instruments linked to the passion of Christ.

The Jesuits gave the biggest impetus to the pious practice of the procession of the dead Christ, and yet, although the city of Massa Lubrense had a great and powerful College of that order, no sign, no description of the march seems to have remained.

By the lawyer. Cuomo, historian emeritus of our local reality, we learn that toward the 1910-12 the Procession of theDead Christ began to be organized in Massa Lubrense (the statue was purchased by the administration of the Church Cathedral), but the Confraternity of the Rosary of the Annunciation used to participate with its own dress, used for the funeral of the confreres (white coat, black capes, and white cap). With the passing of time, this procession went slowly degrading; until in 1971, when the tradition was renewed: with all blacks clothes, innovating path and furnishings. “

Since 1995, the procession is no longer organized by the parish former Cathedral of Santa Maria delle Grazie, but the reborn Confraternity Death and Prayer. It starts from the former Cathedral just after sunset, by torchlight, in order and strict silence.

Confraternita San Filippo Neri – Torca

Good Friday
Route: Chiesa Parrocchiale San Tommaso Apostolo, Piazza San Tommaso Apostolo, via Botteghe di Sopra, via Torricella, Via Croce, Via Reola, via Regina Margherita (fino al bivio con Acquara), ritorno lungo via Regina Margherita, via Reola, Doppio Corso, Via Deserto, Piazza Sant’Agata, Corso Sant’Agata, Via Croce, Via Torricella, Piazza San Tommaso Apostolo, Chiesa Parrocchiale San Tommaso Apostolo.

The procession of the dead ChristConfraternity San Filippo Neri of Torca” The Confraternity of St. Filippo Neri, the westernmost of the Sorrento peninsula, organizes a procession during Holy Week, and properly on Good Friday evening. This initiative is due to the old parish priest Mollo who promoted favoring it with a statue of the dead Christ in papier mache.

The wear of time (maybe even a little carelessness) suggested to replace the statue with another in wood, that the current parish priest, Don Mario Cafiero, realized with the contribution of the local people. Like all other similar rites, this procession begins at dusk, but features its peculiarities: it is opened by Catholic children” of the parish with their “pennant”, followed by the Associations of Catholic Action (youth and women) and then by the Confraternity, in black habit. The brothers carry in procession the torment‘ and ‘lamps‘.

The final part of the procession is made up of a group of boys who carry on their shoulders the “cross”, the statue of the Dead Christ (adorned with lights and flowers), the musical band, a choir of children and young people and, finally, the venerated statue of Our Lady of Sorrows (also adorned with flowers and lights), followed by a large group of women in prayers.

This procession of the Confraternity of San Filippo Neri has not the chorus of Miserere”, but in its place has the children’s choir, singing the hymn “At Calvary“, in the same text of the Confraternity of the Crucifix of Meta, which so begins:

Del Calvario sull’erta pendice
Il Dator della vita s’immola
Col suo sangue dell’Uomo infelice
Ei cancella la colpa fatal
A raccogliere l’estrema parola
Del Suo figlio morente una madre
Resta immota tra barbare squadre
Come vinta da colpo fatal.

The procession reaches the neighboring hamlets of Pastena and S. Agata, in which churches, among devout masses of crowds, the priest plays an appropriate speech, then returning to Torca where, among the general commotion, the participants and the people kiss the Madonna’s mantle and the statue of the Dead Christ, at the conclusion of their penitential rite and as hope for the feast of Easter Sunday.