Vinyasa yoga at dawn on Monte San Costanzo

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Vinyasa yoga at dawn on Monte San Costanzo

Category:Outdoors,Blog,Events Tags : 

Join us for a unique wellness experience at dawn! We invite you to take part in our yoga classes at Monte San Costanzo. Every Monday morning, from 19 June to 11 September, at 6:45, at the suggestive chapel on the hill, you can immerse yourself in the magic of a vinyasa yoga session.

Vinyasa yoga locandina

We will start the day in the name of tranquility and inner balance, while the sun slowly rises over the horizon. The breathtaking view and the fresh air of the hill will make the atmosphere even more special, creating a unique opportunity to regenerate mind, body and spirit.

The lessons will be led by the talented yoga teacher, Silvia Daliana. With years of experience in the industry and an infectious passion for practicing yoga, Silvia will guide you through a series of fluid movements, conscious breathing and relaxing meditations.

It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or an experienced practitioner, these lessons are suitable for all skill levels. Bring your mat, wear comfortable clothes and let yourself be carried away by the magic of this enchanting place.

Take care of yourself, rediscover inner harmony and enjoy the physical and emotional benefits that vinyasa yoga can offer. Join us for an unforgettable sunrise experience at Mount San Costanzo. Book your spot now and start your day with a practice that will nourish your body and soul. We are waiting for you!


Pro Loco Massa Lubrense
+39 081 533 90 21 (9:30-13:00)
+39 351 086 26 63 (WhatsApp)