
Right in front of Capri, on the hill at the foot of Mount San Costanzo (330 meters above the sea), the hamlet of Termini enjoys an enviable position in terms of landscape. The origin of its name could possibly be derived from its proximity to Punta Campanella (termine = end), at the end of the Sorrento Peninsula.

Mount San Costanzo rises in the south, on its eastern peak is the chapel dedicated to the saint. The ridge, watershed between the gulfs of Naples and Salerno, falls directly towards the sea, ending in Punta Campanella, with Capri in front, just five miles away. Punta Campanella is connected to Termini by the ancient Via Minerva. It passes through two remarkable sites: the first is called Fossa di Papa, and there was perhaps an ancient Greek necropolis; the other is called Mitigliano, at this point (250 meters) stood an old abbey, and there is still the small and venerated church of Santa Maria.

Church of Santa Croce a Termini

The parish was established in 1566 in Termini by Mons. Belloni. The present church stands on the ancient estaurita of the Holy Cross, which is known since the fifteenth century. Rebuilt in the first half of the seventeenth century, it has a single nave and apse and dome. There are four arches, two on each side, each with altar. Above the high altar in marble, a painting by Massimo Stanzione represents the Pietà which sustains Jesus died at the foot of the Cross.

In “Cornu Evangeli”, after the sacristy, there is the marble altar of the Virgin of the Rosary, erected in 1867 by the Congregation of the same name. Before the renovation of the church, the former altar was dedicated to St. Cataldo and there was temporarily housed the famous relic, now venerated in the Cathedral. Another altar of the fifteenth century was abandoned, then rebuilt. It is dedicated to Purgatory.

In “Cornu Epistulae”, at the entrance of the church, there is the ancient altar, which existed before the new church. A painting depicts the Madonna, and SS. Anthony and Michael. An arcade-shaped square is at the entrance of church

Church of Santa Maria di Mitigliano

This church, built in ancient abbey, has cross structure, which suggests a broader plan of the church in ancient times, a Latin cross and facing west. Mons. Nepita found it shabby, and ordered the restoration; probably this was done in the early eighteenth century, being in the floor the inscription Devotor. Sumptibus AD 1700, and on the threshold the date 1702. It was then rebuilt in 1743, as stated in two epigraphs placed in the side pillars at the door.

The nave is spacious with an apse and dome and a square plan. On the entrance door, from 1613, there is a fifteenth-century statuette of the Madonna with the Child.

The High Altar, from the 17th century, in beautiful polychrome marbles, belonged to the Church of S. Giuseppe del Quartiere, moved here in 1808. Above is the ancient effigy of the Misericordia. To the left of the entrance door, in the wall of the nave, opens the chapel dedicated to the Annunciation of the century. XVI, then passed under the title of S. Maria della Carità.

 How to reach Termini

By car

To reach Termini from Massa Center take Via IV Novembre and follow the road until after Marciano; from Sant’Agata sui Due Golfi, proceed by Via dei Campi. You can park either in Termini’s square and along the streets that precede it, in the blue lines.

Public transport

SITA buses directed to Marina del Cantone, depart from Sorrento or Sant’Agata sui Due Golfi, crossing Termini most of the times. It is advisable to check the bus schedule.

Excursions from Termini:

Monte San Costanzo
Punta Campanella
Athena Trail
Cala di Mitigliano