Author Archives: Admin

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Bay of Ieranto: the footpath is closed


Following the fire that affected much of the Monte S. Costanzo, in particular the area upstream of the municipal road Ieranto, by order no. 164 of 26/08/2016, the transit of said road has been disqualified.

Therefore, you can not reach the Bay of Ieranto, and activities of the FAI calendar are suspended.


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Visit to the Conservatory and Church of SS. Rosario – Monticchio

Category:Blog,Events,Featured,Festivals,Pro Loco

Visita al Conservatorio e alla chiesa del SS. Rosario – MonticchioMonticchio

The conservatory of the most holy Rosary rises in the heart of the Monticchio’s Village, one of the eighteen typical villages of Massa Lubrense. Monticchio is located in a very wide valley on the west side of S.Maria della Neve . The square of the village, where the most important church consecrated to S.Pietro rises, is located at 315 meters above sea level. The Village, however, it extends up on the hill, even more then 350 meters. We have knowledge of Monticchio from 1221, when the old church of S. Pietro was founded. In the 1489 it was named “ Monditio”, and it counted no more then 179 inhabitants. The village of Monticchio takes its name from its position, up on a mound. There are fountains, gardens and hunting place of Focetole and Turdi.

The Cloister of Monticchio

The foundation of the Conservatory was strongly wanted By Cristina Olivieri, a young and devout Neapolitan women, who since 1707 used to spend her holydays in the village of Monticchio, guested by the Tizzano’s family. During this time she worked so much to pick up the money nedded for the construction of the cloister. Once she did it, sister Cristina bought two small areas near the local church, and after she got the approval of the bishop De Rossi in 1723, she invited the priest of Monticchio to bless the first stone. This event raised a general discontent between the citizens of Massa Lubrense, already harassed by the privileges of the Religious Corporations. In fact between the 16th and the 17th century, there was a great expansion f the religious cult and the sacred buildings add up to as many as 100. The religious multiplied. At the beginning of the 18th century, thanks to the several acts of mercy, which have happened over the past two decades, the churches, the chapels, the monasteries and the abbeys, they owned almost the entire territory of Massa Lubrense. The city ended with a wealthy class made up of religious and a poor one, which included the rest of the citizens. The people of Massa Lubrense were forced to resort to the holy Roman Congregation and to the Viceroy of Naples, in order to protest against the construction of the new cloister. Sister Cristina Olivieri, to bypass such demands, she declared that those factories were built as a private use. The protest and the objections of the citizens and the defense of the founder they continued for several years, in the meantime the construction of the building, it kept. In the 1746 the Conservatory was finished and inhabited by nuns. Attached to the cloister there is a church name after S. Maria del Rosario and both the buildings they belong to the order of S. Domenico.

Ignazio Chiaiese

The Co. founder of the complex was Ignazio Chiaiese, a great artist of the Neapolitan earthenware in the 18th century, who belong to one of the most important dynasties operating in this type of art in the city of Naples between the end of the 17th century and the 18th century. Also the tiles of the Congregation in the Cathedral of Sorrento, and the decorated wall still visible in the yard of Palazzo Correale, are attributable to this factory. Ignazio Chiaiese was the son of Leonardo, author of the floor “ The Expulsion from the Garden”, in Ancapri. He arrived in Monticchio on behalf of his aunt, who a few weeks before, she had brought her daughter to the cloister. She regretted and she asked him to help her. She asked him to get to the cloister , free her daughter and bring her home. The legend says that Ignazio Chiaiese, once he was at the presence of Sister Cristina Olivieri, was fascinated by the women with the blind eyes, in which he saw the heavenly light of the conversion. Sister Cristina told him to be the man of the providence, sent by the Lord to help her in the construction of the cloister, and so he did. He also became one of its biggest donors. In fact he picked up several donations between the local wealthy families. Mastr’Ignazio, like he was called, he embellished the inside areas of the cloister and of the church using the art of the “tile”.

The cloister in particular holds a panel of tiles in baroque style, in which the author represents himself, penitent at the foot of the Virgin, single example of self-portrait known with this technique. The frame, also in baroque style, is painted on the same level of the represented scene. The author represents himself on his knee, penitent at the foot of the Virgin, depicted in the center of the composition, with a spear in her hand. The Virgin targets with her sword a quietly sitting dragon. Ignazio is linked to the dragon through some chains which are nearly cracked. The chains symbolize the sins. He is free from the chains of sin but he stays on his knee because he actually wants to stay sinner

For the first time the Virgin is represented armed, holding a spear. The Madonna in fact she is never a punisher. She is always represented as a “Mother full of Grace”.
On either side of the main panel there are two more paints on tiles.
The one on the left side represent a sleeper St. Joseph and the angel Gabriel who appears in his dream. Next to St. Joseph there is a flower stick, sign of the divine choice. The panel on the right side instead, it represents St. Francis likewise sleeper. The Saint sleep while a storm is taking place and a galleon is floundering. The vessel is like the one used by the Saracen pirates, which in 1558 fiercely invaded Massa Lubrense and Sorrento. The “sinking” is an allegory which means the storm of the soul. Everyone in his life get through a storm and to get over it, we have to abandon everything is force and rely on God. The force is symbolized by the sword painted on the bottom right of the composition.

Church of the Most Holy Rosary

The church has a 17th century facade accessed by a staircase with two semicircular ramps. The inside is baroque, with an elegant architecture and decoration. The layout is a Greek Cross with very shorts arms and is underneath by a lowered cup with a torch. The construction of the church had already started in 1746, as shown Mons. Pisani who in that year, he visited the cloister which was just finished. The church instead, was finished in 1762, a date which is legible on the floor and on the pipe organ. The floor full completely covered by tiles, is gorgeous, and it was also made by Ignazio Chiaiese. The paint is dominated by a big star which symbolizes the Holy Spirit. The overlying dome perfectly match with the symbolic representation painted on the floor. On the longest rays of the star we can admire garlands of flowers. On the tiles on the sides of the High Altar, are painted four peacocks, each one in a different position, below which we found the ossuaries. All the flooring is characterized by flowers paints which most likely were chosen to remind the outside garden of the cloister. In the middle of the High Altar, we found a framework of the” Blessed Virgin of the Rosary”, and on the sides we can admire the “Dinner in Emaus” and the “Adoration of the Magi”. The technique used for the creation of the paints is the one which is characterized by the play of lights and shadows. This kind of technique was typical of the Neapolitan School in that period. In the framework of the “Last Supper”, the Apostles are represented all at the same side. There is no emphasis of the one who sinned. This kind of representation was used for the very first time by Leonardo Da Vinci to realize his paint of the “Last Supper”, exposed in the Sistine Chapel. “The Adoration of the Magi” is from the Baroque.

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Spring Walking Tours in Massa Lubrense 2016

Category:Blog,Events,Featured,Outdoors,Pro Loco Tags : 

Spring Walking Tours in Massa Lubrense

Every walk includes a visit to a local farm,
with tasting of typical products, and a stop to eat your lunch bag.
The cost per person is € 5.00.

+39 081 5339021 (9:30 – 13:00) Pro Loco Massa Lubrense

Alla ricerca del Limone IGP

Partenza: Piazza di Sant’Agata sui Due Golfi – ore 11:00 | Rientro: ore 17:00

Itinerario: Sant’Agata – Deserto – Acquara – Turro – Schiazzano – Pontescuro – Calella – Canale – Sant’Agata

Visita Azienda Agricola “La Masseria”: il Limone “Femminiello Massese” IGP

Richiamata dalla mitezza del clima, dal verde delle selve di castagno e dal profumo dei giardini di limoni, tra Sorrento, Capri e Costiera Amalfitana, “la Masseria” è lieta di accogliervi, per farvi assaporare e gustare un’arte secolare tramandata dai nostri avi e che oggi vogliamo custodire per salvaguardare il territorio, valorizzare la denominazione protetta del “Limone di Sorrento I.G.P.”, dell’Olio D.O.P. Penisola Sorrentina e dare visibilità all’intera filiera produttiva di un patrimonio dal valore inestimabile…

La Masseria Massa Lubrense

Domenica 22 maggio

L’invenzione di Minerva

Partenza: Piazza di Sant’Agata sui Due Golfi – ore 11:00 | Rientro: ore 17:00

Itinerario: Sant’Agata – Pontone – Le Tore – Colli di Fontanelle – Pizzetiello – Borra – Monticello – Nula – Sant’Agata

Visita Azienda Agricola “Le Tore”: l’Olio Extra Vergine d’Oliva DOP

L’azienda agricola LE TORE nasce nel 1985 e si estende per circa 14 ettari tra Sorrento e Massa Lubrense. Produciamo olio DOP Penisola Sorrentina, limone IGP ovale di Sorrento,e altri prodotti tipici, come la noce di Sorrento IGP e la mela annurca e tra gli ortaggi pomodoro cuore di bue e melanzana cima di viola.

Nel febbraio 2004 l’Olio extra vergine d’oliva DOP Penisola Sorrentina le Tore ha vinto il primo premio, come fruttato leggero, al concorso nazionale Sirena D’Oro di Sorrento dedicato agli oli DOP italiani. Nel 2006 è stato finalista al concorso nazionale Ercole Olivario.

Le Tore Massa Lubrense

Domenica 29 maggio

Un contadino vestito da monaco

Partenza: Pro Loco Massa Lubrense (Viale Filangieri, 11, Massa Centro) – ore 11:00 | Rientro: ore 16:00

Itinerario: Massa centro – Santa Maria – Schiazzano – Santa Maria – Annunziata – San Liberatore – Massa Centro

Visita Azienda Agricola “Il Turuziello”: il Provolone del Monaco DOP

In un piccolo e antico borgo del comune di Massa Lubrense, Schiazzano, dove il blu del mare si fonde con il verde delle colline, nasce, agli inizi del ventesimo secolo la piccola azienda agricola di Benedetto De Gregorio.

L’ azienda, a conduzione familiare, si avvale della preziosa collaborazione di tutta la famiglia ed è impegnata nella produzione di formaggi: mozzarelle, caciotte, caciocavalli e soprattutto provolone del monaco DOP, realizzati ancora secondo le originarie ricette tramandate da padre in figlio.

Il Turuziello Massa Lubrense


Domenica 5 giugno

Un giorno al convento

Partenza: Pro Loco Massa Lubrense (Viale Filangieri, 11, Massa Centro) – ore 11:00 | Rientro: ore 17:00

Itinerario: Massa centro – Mortora – San Francesco – Li Simoni – Montecorbo – Mulini – Massa centro

Visita Azienda Agricola “Il Convento”: il Limoncello IGP

Tutto ebbe inizio nel 1935 quando il contadino Antonino Pollio rilevò il terreno che i frati coltivavano per la produzione di vino, olio, rosòlio e che avevano poi abbandonato.

L’amore ed il rispetto verso la natura ha portato la famiglia Pollio a gestire il fondo Annunziata, un fondo che nel 2014 ha dato inizio al nuovo progetto di agricoltura biologica: mirato alla produzione di olio e di limoncello bio, dedica particolari attenzioni alla qualità e alla cura del terreno al fine di preservare la massima genuinità dei suoi prodotti.

Il Convento Massa Lubrense



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The Comic Massa Lubrense… what’s the story?!

Category:Blog,Featured,Pro Loco Tags : 

Massa Lubrense… what’s the story?!


Hot off the press the first issue of Massa Lubrense… what’s the story?!, a series of five volumes that leads his readers on a fascinating journey through the myths and history of our land, particularly rich in a past to discover and visit.

The book series is divided into the following periods:

  1. Prehistory, myths and Greek-Roman period
  2. Middle Ages and Christianization
  3. 1550/1600
  4. 1700/1800
  5. 1900 Contemporary Age

The volume Prehistory, myths and Greek-Roman period focuses on the arc of time that goes from prehistory – with the earliest human settlements in the peninsula – to the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD. C. – infamous for the destruction of the city of Pompeii.

Fumetto Massa Lubrense - Ulisse e le sireneProtagonists of the tale and cartoon characters are those – such as the Massa’s mule, winged sirens, Ulysses – that gradually have become part of the imaginary of Massa Lubrense. The story revolves around the events that have marked the evolution of the Sorrentine Peninsula, and highlights the archaeological finds that the time has preserved until today. Special attention is also paid to places visited along our territory, shown in the map of Sorrento at the end of the work.

Fumetto-Massa-Lubrense-CopertinaThe comic Massa Lubrense… what’s the story?! is available at Pro Loco Massa Lubrense.
To support the project, we require a small contribution from € 3.00.


The project was designed by Pro Loco Massa Lubrense and built – in collaboration with the Cultural Association La Fenice and Archeoclub of Massa Lubrense, and with the assistance of the City of Massa Lubrense – on texts by Dominic Palumbo and drawings and graphics by Bemarking.

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Punta Campanella closed until April 30th, 2016


Punta Campanella chiusa fino al 30/04/2016Punta Campanella closed for another month: the interdiction to pedestrian and vehicular traffic is extended until April 30th, 2016, to allow the completion of the work.

Following the link to the city ordinance: ORDINANZA N. 50 Punta Campanella chiusa 2016

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Autumn walks in Massa Lubrense

Category:Events,Featured,Outdoors,Pro Loco

The Autumn Walks in Massa Lubrense are from 15 November to 20 December 2015:

Passeggiate d'autunno - Massa Lubrense 201515 november – ‘A via ‘e miez
Departure from Massa centro, Arorella, Via Vigliano, stop for lunch at Il giardino di Vigliano. After lunch: Via Partenope, Via San Montano, Via Sirignano, Massa centro.

29 november  – Seguendo gesuiti, agostiniani e francescani
Departure from Massa centro, Villarca, Santa Maria, Bevedere, Turro, Via Gesine, San Francesco, stop for lunch at Podere Don Peppe. After lunch: Via Bagnulo, Via Mortora, Massa centro.

6 december – Sant’Agata e dintorni
Departure from piazza di S. Agata sui Due Golfi, Via Termine, Deserto, Tore di Acquara, Acquara, Canale, stop for lunch at Villa Castanito. After lunch: Doppio corso or Pastena, Via Ghezzi, S. Agata.

20 december – La collina di Torquato Tasso
Departure from Massa centro, Cerriglio, Via Mortora, Prasiano, Montecorbo, stop for lunch at Tenuta Montecorbo. After lunch: Via del Generale, Via San Montano, Arorella, Massa centro.

Times and duration
All tours begin at 10:00 am. There is a stop at 13:00 with tasting of a traditional main course, in a local farmhouse. At 14:30 we leave again, to finish by 17:00.

Participation fees *
Adults: € 12.00
Children (under 12): € 8.00

*The fee includes the meal: 1 main course, water, 1 glass of wine, 1 dessert, 1 coffee.

Info and reservation:
Pro Loco Massa Lubrense: 081 5339021
Pro Loco Due Golfi: 081 5330135
Ufficio informagiovani: 0815339494

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Autobus Massa Lubrense – Napoli

Category:Blog,Featured Tags : 

Autolinee Universal



[box type=”warning”] 31/10/2015 SITA RACE CANCELLED. The service is made by the Universal Bus service.

19/10/2015 SITA RACE TEMPORARILY SUSPENDED. Expecting updates.

10.11.2015 From Monday, October 12 the SITA bus Naples – Massa Lubrense leaves at 13:45.

30.09.2015 Due to technical problems, the regular bus service Massa Lubrense – Napoli will be regularly functional starting  from Monday 5th October. [/box]

From the 1st October 2015  it’s available the Sita bus service, which connects the Sorrento Peninsula to the University poles in Neaples.

Thanks to the Municipality of Massa Lubrense, which has promoted an agreement with the Sita Sud Company, a bus line has been introduced for the benefit of students who attend Universities in Neaples.

Free WiFi service on board!

Timetable and bus stops: Massa Lubrense – Napoli


6:00 Sant’Agata sui Due Golfi

6:15 Massa Centre

6:35 Sorrento, Piazza Tasso

6:40 Sant’Agnello

6:45 Piano di Sorrento, località “la Siesta”

6:50 Meta, Parish Church

7:00 Vico Equense, Circumvesuviana Station

8:00 Napoli Centre

8:30 Napoli, Monte Sant’Angelo[/one_half]


16:45 Napoli, Monte Sant’Angelo

17:15 Napoli Centre

17:55 Vico Equense,  Circumvesuviana Station

18:05 Meta, Parish Church

18:10 Piano di Sorrento, località “la Siesta”

18:15 Sant’Agnello

18:20 Sorrento

18:40 Massa Centre

18:55 Sant’Agata sui Due Golfi[/one_half_last]

Prices for tickets and monthly tickets bus line Massa Lubrense – Napoli

Massa Lubrense – Napoli

  • one-way ticket € 4,90
  • monthly ticket € 109,00

Sorrento / Vico Equense – Napoli Centre

  •  one-way ticket € 3,80
  • monthly ticket  € 83,00

Sorrento / Vico Equense – Napoli Monte Sant’Angelo

  • one-way ticket  € 4,30
  • monthly ticket € 94,50

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Trail to Punta Campanella closed until January 2016

Category:Blog,Featured,Outdoors Tags : 

Due to renovations in Via Campanella, from July 6 to December 31, 2015 (Ordinance no. 150/2015), the path to Punta Campanella is closed to transit (vehicles and pedestrians).

Punta Campanella e Capri - FrancoFrom the blog of Ruth Peake:

One of the most popular hikes in the area of Massa Lubrense, from Termini to Punta Campanella, which is also part of the Athena Trail, is now off limits until January 2016 due to work being carried out on the path and in the area around the tower. A locked gate  by the shrine at the point called Cancello will bar all access not only for vehicles but also for pedestrians.

In his latest blog, Giovanni Visetti proposes an alternative route so that walkers will still be able to enjoy the amazing scenery and flora between Punta Campanella and Monte Santa Croce at the top of the ridge.  

Read the blog article

Alternative route: Giro di Santa Croce

TerminiVetavoleGiovanni Visetti’s proposal to recover the path “Vuallariello” was welcomed in a very short time.

This path, in combination with “Le Selve”, forms the Giro di Santa Croce (in red on the map): a path that gives the opportunity to access the top of the ridge and avoid having to make a round trip from Mount San Costanzo.

Read more on the blog “Discettazioni Erranti” (in Italian)




Video by Giovanni Visetti

“The video begins with the arrival to the area “Vuallariello” (the highest point of the path Le Selve) via the staircase in the rock and ends with the detour to the viewpoint Campo Vetavole, following the Alta Via dei Monti Lattari for the last hundred meters.”

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“Massa Lubrense. Il Paradiso è qui”: the new tourist brochure on the territory of Massa Lubrense

Category:Events,Featured,Outdoors,Pro Loco

Thursday, June 4 at 20:00, at the terrace in Viale Filangieri 11, the tourism office Pro Loco Massa Lubrense presents:


A tourist brochure on the territory of Massa Lubrense (in Italian, English, French and German).

Brochure turisctica - Massa Lubrense Il paradiso è qui - Pro Loco Massa Lubrense 2015

Special guest: Paolo CaiazzoPaolo Caiazzo Brochure turisctica - Massa Lubrense Il paradiso è qui - Pro Loco Massa Lubrense 2015

About the project

Questo progetto, fortemente voluto dal Direttivo della Pro Loco Massa Lubrense, nasce grazie alla collaborazione con l’Istituto Polispecialistico S. Paolo. Una cooperazione cominciata grazie a una “semplice” richiesta di convenzione tirocinio alunni che ha coinvolto 20 ragazzi delle classi III e IV, i quali saranno presenti all’interno della nostra sede nei mesi di giugno e luglio con attività di front-office, progettazione e gestione eventi, e di “tourist guide” alla scoperta dei nostri “angoli di paradiso”. Come Pro Loco, la considerazione dalla quale siamo partiti nella progettazione è stata semplice: ogni anno i migliori motori di ricerca del settore turistico premiano la qualità e l’eccellenza di una ricettività basata sull’alta professionalità dell’intero indotto che ruota intorno a esso. Massa Lubrense, oltre a offrire un valido supporto alle suddette strutture con personale sempre all’altezza di ottimi standard qualitativi, con mirate sinergie, grazie al proprio territorio e alle risorse a esso legate, può divenire meta di un turismo sempre più consistente e consapevole. A tal proposito riteniamo che avere l’opportunità di avere sul nostro territorio una scuola secondaria a indirizzo turistico sia un’ottima base per far interagire il mondo della scuola con il mondo lavorativo che ruota intorno a tale settore. In quest’ottica può divenire preponderante il ruolo “da tramite” che il tirocinio formativo può avere. Il tavolo di concertazione che abbiamo provato ad instaurare permetterà ad ognuno, secondo il suo ruolo, di mettere in campo le migliori energie. I testi che troverete in questo opuscolo sono presenti anche all’interno del sito e sono le notizie che maggiormente vengono richieste al nostro ufficio turistico. I ragazzi dell’Istituto Polispecialistico S. Paolo li hanno ottimamente tradotti in inglese, francese e tedesco. Ci auguriamo che grazie alla lungimiranza dei soggetti coinvolti questo progetto possa, per gli alunni, trasformarsi in qualcosa in più: una piccola finestra da cui guardare il mondo lavorativo e, allo stesso tempo, una sorta di “vetrina” per dimostrare realmente ciò che ognuno di Voi ragazzi è in grado di fare. L’A.T. Pro Loco di Massa Lubrense ha, anche negli anni precedenti, realizzato materiale informativo, ma la spinta e l’energia che ci ha dato questa progettualità ha entusiasmato tutti quelli che ci circondano. Nell’augurare ai visitatori un soggiorno indimenticabile presso i luoghi incantati e gli scenari mozzafiato di Massa Lubrense, auspichiamo ai ragazzi che han preso parte alla pianificazione, un futuro lavorativo degno delle loro più rosee aspettative.